Genealogy Resources

This popular database is accessible at Alexandria Library branches and Local History/Special Collections. Our subscription is the Library edition, tailored for library patrons and is available onsite only.

Online census indexes and images & full text genealogy books. Just key in your Alexandria Library card number.


FamilySearch is the largest genealogy organization in the world. Millions of people use FamilySearch records, resources, and services to learn more about their family history. Patrons may freely access FamilySearch resources and services online at, or through over 4,500 family history centers in 70 countries, including the renowned Family History Library in Salt Lake City, Utah.


Genealogy at the Alexandria Library

An in-depth guide to the library's genealogical resources.

Genealogy Subject Guide

Written by Alexandria Library Special Collections Staff.


Serials and Newspapers

Our history and genealogy periodical collection and our historical newspapers on microfilm. .pdf format


Genealogy Classes

Are you just starting out in genealogy or are you tracking that elusive Virginia ancestor? What is stopping you? Take a class! We have classes tailored to your needs.