Library Value Calculator
Alexandria Library
Value Calculator
My Yearly Benefit:
  • Libraries provide a valuable community resource.

    To find out how much value you receive from your library, complete the following survey... you may be surprised!

  • How often do you visit the library?

    • weekly
    • bi-weekly
    • monthly
  • How many of each item/service do you typically use?

Hardcover Books $24.95 $0
Softcover Books $12.95 $0
Videos $3.95 $0
Music CD $13.95 $0
Audiobook $29.95 $0
E-book Downloads $12.95 $0
Audiobook Downloads $14.95 $0
Computer Use (hours) $2.95 $0
Programs/Classes $19.95 $0
Newspaper/Magazine $4.95 $0

The values in the calculator were determined by the estimated cost of obtaining each of the items without the use of the library.

Hardcover Books
Purchase cost of a new hardcover book
Softcover Books
Purchase cost of a new softcover book
Rental cost of a DVD
Music CD
Purchase cost of a music CD
Purchase cost of an CD audiobook
Ebook Download
Purchase cost of an ebook
Audiobook Download
Purchase cost of an audiobook
Computer Use
Cost of hourly computer usage at a business center
Cost of outside classes
Museum Pass
Cost of two adult ($11.95) and one child ($7.95) admission tickets to a museum
Purchase cost of a magazine or 1 week of a newspaper subscription