Online Exhibits
Battlefields of Virginia
The May 1887 excursion of the Civil War veterans of the 57th and 58th Massachusetts to the Civil War Battlefields of Virginia as documented in photos by Fred H. Foss.
Before the Beltway
Streetcar Lines of Northern Virginia Images of the rolling stock of the several streetcar lines which served Northern Virginia from the early 1890s to the early 1940s. From the Ames Williams Collection.
"Dear Teacher"
Correspondence about education, parenting, and growing up in Alexandria, Virginia in the 1840s. Selected letters from the James S. Hallowell Collection.
"...the frown of the citizens..."
Notes and Images about the Civil War Occupation of Alexandria.
Virgil Davis Doorways Glass Lantern Slide Collection
Selection of photographs of Alexandria, VA doorways, ca. 1936 - ca. 1950. This exhibit illustrates historic properties on the cusp of the preservation movement.
Photographs from the Charles Sampson Collection
Photos of early fire engines, former members of the Alexandria Fire Department, and local fire stations are showcased in this collection.
"Give oceans of love to all..."
The prisoner-of-war letters of Brigadier General Montgomery Dent Corse, CSA, 17th Virginia Infantry to his wife, Elizabeth Beverly, along with his commission as Colonel, Active Volunteer Forces of Virginia, May 17, 1861, and his Oath of Allegiance to the United States of America, July 24, 1865. Selected from the Montgomery Dent Corse Collection.
Generals of the Confederacy
Thirty images , carte-de-visites (and more) from the White, Wellford, Taliaferro, and Marshall Families Collection.
Special Collections Document of the Month Archives
(*Note: Some links within the documents may be broken. We are working to fix these and apologize for the inconvenience.)
Historic Alexandria Imaged Database
A sampling from our several collections of materials related to the historic structures in Old Town Alexandria, Virginia. Researchers are advised that the intellectual content of the material included herein is drawn from historical collections and is therefore dated.