Vertical File Subject Guide
The Vertical File is a way to organize and access information specific to our geographic area, that does not lend itself to being placed on a shelf, and that may or may not be covered elsewhere. Our Vertical File is in two large file cabinets with hanging folders arranged alphabetically by subject. The folders include clippings from newspapers and journals, brochures, and unpublished reports. A sampling of subjects from the complete Vertical File Subject Guide (.pdf) appears below:
Activities e.g. "Prohibition," "Politics, Early," "Urban Renewal"
Businesses and Industries e.g."Cabinetmaking," "Canals -- Alexandria, C&O," "Shopping Centers"
Civic Organizations e.g."Beverley Hills Garden Club," "YMCA"
Events (general and specific) e.g. "Parades," "Alexandria Library Sit-in, 1939"
Institutions and Government Agencies e.g."Hospitals," "Orphan Asylum & Female Free School," "Police Dept"
Objects (mundane and unusual) e.g. "Builder's Price Guide," "Elephants," "Female Stranger's Grave -- St. Paul's Episcopal Church," "Pottery," "Quilts," "Time Capsules"
People (groups and individuals) e.g. "Biographies -- Appich Family," "Jewish History in Alexandria," "Law, Elizabeth Lee," "Tourists"
Places and Structures e.g."Churches -- Meade Chapel," "Fairfax County Gum Springs," "Neighborhoods -- The Berg"