Author, Editor or Title | Title, or continuation | Pub. data | Dates | Notes | ||||||
Actes and Monuments of Matters most special and memorable, happening in the Church, with a universal history of the same | London | 1610 | ||||||||
Scapulae, Johann | Lexicon Graeco-Latinum novum: in quo ex primitivorum & simplicium fontibus derivata atque composita | Basileae, apud Henric Petrinos |
1628 | |||||||
Grammatica Linguarum Orientalium | Leyden, Elzevir | 1628 | vellum, ex. cond. see note in book | |||||||
Hooker | Ecclesiastical Politic | 1661 | ||||||||
Hooker, Richard | Works of Mr. Richard Hooker ... in eight books ... with an account of his holy life, and happy death written by Dr. John Gauden | London, printed by | 1662 | |||||||
Stillingfleet, Edward | Origins sacrae, or a rational account of the Christian faith | London, printed by Henry Mertlesk |
1680 | |||||||
Gibbono, Johanne | Essay to a more Correct Blason | London, J.M. | 1682 | very good cond. | ||||||
Bossuet, James Benigne | An exposition of the Doctrine of the Catholic Church in matters of controversie, done into English from the 5th ed. in French | London | 1685 | |||||||
Keble's reports | Reports in the court of Kings's Bench at Westminister from the XII to the XXX year of the reign ... King Charles II ... Joseph Keble | 1685 | ||||||||
La Loubere, Simon de | Historical Relation of the kingdom of Siam by Monsieur De La Loubere, 2 vols. in 1 | London, printed by | 1693 | illus. | ||||||
Dawson, George | Origo legum: or a treatise of the origin of laws, and their obligating power | London, printed for | 1694 | |||||||
Seller, Abednego | The antiquities of Palmyra, containing the history of the city and its emperors, … an appendix of critical observations on the names, religion, and government of the country and a commentary on the inscriptions lately found there | London, printed for S. Smith and B. Walford |
1696 | |||||||
Ware, Sir James | Inquiries concerning Ireland and its Antiquities, nor first printed in English from the last Latin Edition thereof | Dublin | 1705 | |||||||
Gaudini, Joannis | Thesaurus Trium Linguarum: Latinae, Gallicae, Graecae | Lemovicis | 1706 | |||||||
* Guardian | by Addison, Steele and others published in 175 numbers, March we to Oct. 1, 1713 | London, printed for | 1713 | |||||||
Prideaux, Humphrey | The Old and New Testament connected in the history of the Jews and neighbouring nations, from the declension of the kingdoms of Israel and Judah to the time of Christ | London, printed for | 1717 | |||||||
Censor | the Second edition | London, printed for | 1717 | |||||||
Burney, Frances (Mme D'Arblay) | The Wanderer With all the Mottos in Latin and English To which is added The Publick Spirit, an Heroick Poem [by Mr. Fox] | London, H. Meere | 1718 | |||||||
Tournefort, Joseph Pitton de | Voyage into the Levant containing the ancient and modern state of the islands of the Archipelago, the city of Constantinople, ... and Asia Minor | London, printed for D. Browne, A. Bell, J. Darby, and others |
1718 | maps. ill., plants, edifices, people | ||||||
Homerus | Iliad of Homer, trans. by Alexander Pope | London, printed by | 1720 | |||||||
Steele, Sir Richard | The Ladies Library. Written by a lady. Published by Sir Richard Steele | London, printed for J. and R. Tonson in the Strand |
1720 | |||||||
Poetical Register | ; or, the lives and characters of all the English Poets | London | 1723 | |||||||
Comines, Philip de | Memoirs | London | 1723 | |||||||
Rowlands, Henry | Mona antiqua restaurata. An archaeological discourse on the antiquities, natural and historical of the Isle of Anglesey, the ancient seat of the British Druids | Dublin, printed by Aaron Rhames, for Robert Owen |
1723 | |||||||
Pearce, Zacharias | Sermons (Bishop of Rochester) | London | 1724 | |||||||
Homerus | Odyssey, trans. by Alexander Pope | Longon, printed by | 1725 | |||||||
Wollaston, William | Religion of Nature Delineated | London | 1726 | |||||||
Temple, William | Works of Sir William Temple, Bart. To which is prefix’d the life and character of the author | London, printed for Benj. Motte |
1731 | |||||||
Tillotson, John | Works of the most reverend Dr. John Tillotson: containing fifty-four sermons and discourses | London, printed for James, John and Paul Knapton and others |
1735 | |||||||
Josephus, Flavius | Works of Flavius Josephus, Cotta edition | 1736 | ||||||||
Rollin, Charles | History of the arts and sciences of the antients, translated from the French | London, printed for John and Paul Knapton |
1737 | illus. | ||||||
Addison, Joseph | Spectator | Dublin?, | 1738 | |||||||
Shaw, Thomas | Travels or observations relating to several parts of Barbary and the Levant | Oxford, printed at the Theatre |
1738 | illus. | ||||||
Cay, John | Abridgment of the Publick Statutes in Force and Use, in 2 vols. | London, His Majes | 1739 | |||||||
Adams, George | Astronomical and Geographical Essays, second ed. | London | 1740 | |||||||
Gomez, Madeleine Angelique (Poisson) de | La belle assemblee; or, The adventures of twelve days, being a curious collection of remarkable incidents which happen’d to some of the first quality in France | Dublin | 1740 | |||||||
Graham, Catharine Macaulay | Letters on Education | Dublin | 1740 | |||||||
Blair, Hugh | Sermons | Philadelphia | 1741 | |||||||
Fraser, James | History of Nadir Shah Emperor of Persia, to which is prefixed a short account of the Mogul Emperors | London | 1742 | illus. | ||||||
De Pauw, Mr. | Philosophical Dissertations on the Greeks | London | 1743 | |||||||
Paley, William | Principles of Moral and Political Philsophy Theology, 9th ed. | London | 1743 | |||||||
Shaw, Thomas | Supplement to Shaw's Book of Travels | 1743 | maps, illus. | |||||||
Rochon, Abbe | Voyage to the Island of Madagascar, with a Memoir on the Chinese Trade by Brunel | London | 1743 | |||||||
Universal history | , from the earliest time to the present compiled from original authors; and illustrated with maps, cuts, notes, chronological, and other tables | Dublin, printed by and for George Faulkner |
1744 | illus. | ||||||
Gemelli-Careri, Giovanni Francesco | A voyage round the world written originally in Italian | London | 1744 | |||||||
Birch, Thomas | Life of the honorable Robert Boyle | London | 1744 | |||||||
Pope, Alexander | Works of Alexander Pope Esq. | London | 1746 | |||||||
Bowen, Emanuel | Complete system of geography the whole illustrated with seventy maps | London, printed for | 1747 | |||||||
Rapin-Thoyras, Paul de | History of England by Mr. Rapin de Thoyras cont. ... from revolution to the acc. of King George II by N. Tindall | Dublin, printed for George and Alexander Ewing |
1748 | |||||||
Burlamaqui, J.J. | Principles of Natural Law | London | 1748 | |||||||
Anson, George | Voyage around the world, from the year 1740, to the year 1744, with plates separate | London, Richard | 1748 | |||||||
Maundrell, Henry | A journey from Aleppo to Jerusalem; at Easter, AD 1697 | Oxford, printed for | 1749 | illus. | ||||||
Skelton, Philip | Deism revealed on the attack on Christianity | London | 1749 | |||||||
Brydone, Patrick | A tour through Sicily and Malta | Dublin, printed by | 1750 | |||||||
Maillet, Benoit de | Tellimed; or, Discourses between an Indian philosopher, and a French missionary, on the diminution of the sea, the formation of the earth, the origin of men and animals | London, printed for Jacob Loyseau |
1750 | |||||||
Clarke, Samuel | Sermons | Dublin | 1751 | |||||||
Moliere, Jean Baptiste Poquelin | Works of Moliere translated by H. Baker and J. Miller | Glasgow printed b | 1751 | |||||||
Burlamaqui, J.J. | Princliles of Politic Law, being a sequel to the Principles of Natural Law | London | 1752 | |||||||
Hanway, Jonas | An historical account of the British trade over the Caspian Sea; with a journal of travels from London through Russia into Persia; and back again through Russia, Germany and Holland | London | 1753 | |||||||
Lucanus, Marcus A. | Lucan’s Pharsalia; translated into English verse by Nicholas Rowe | London, printed for | 1753 | |||||||
Orrery, Lord | Observations upon Lord Orrery's Remarks on ... Jonathan Swift | London | 1754 | |||||||
Pullein, Samuel | Culture of Silk | London | 1758 | illus. | ||||||
Willington, James | Memoirs of a Protestant condemned to the galleys of France, in two volumes | London | 1758 | |||||||
Account of the European settlements in America | Vol. II: V. Of the French, Dutch, and Danish; VI. Of the English | London: Dodsley | 1758 | |||||||
Bracelet | ; or The Fortunate Discovery, being the history of Miss Polly. From a French work entitled Memoires de Cecile | London, printed for | 1759 | |||||||
Adanson, Michel | A voyage to Senegal by M. Adanson with notes by an English gentleman, who resided some time in that country | London, J. Nourse | 1759 | |||||||
Ray, John | Wisdom of God, manifested in the works of Creation | London | 1759 | |||||||
Nature Delineated; or philosophical Conversations, in which the wonderful Works of Providence ... laid open, ...and whatever is curious in Mathematics explained | London | 1760 | illus. | |||||||
Cambridge, Richard Owen | An account of the war in India, between the English and French on the Coast of Coromandel, from 1750 to the year 1760. The whole compiled from original papers | London, T. Jefferys | 1761 | |||||||
Gay, John | Fables in two parts | Glasgow | 1761 | |||||||
Sheridan, Frances Chamberlaine | Memoirs of Miss Sidney Bidulph, extracted from her own journal and now first published | London, printed for R. and J. Dodsley |
1761 | |||||||
Ramsay, Allan | Poems | London, printed for | 1761 | |||||||
Martin, Benjamin | Young Gentleman and Lady's Philosophy of nature and art | London | 1762 | copperplate fold-out illus. | ||||||
Effusions of Friendships and Fancy | In several letters to and from select friends | London | 1763 | |||||||
Bell, John | Travels from St. Petersburg in Russia to diverse parts of Asia to which is added a translation of the journal of Mr. De Lange | Glasgow, printed f | 1763 | |||||||
Leland, John | Advantage and necessity of the Christian revelation, shown from the state of religion in the ancient heathen world. London, printed by W. Richardson and S. Clark | 1764 | ||||||||
Mycherley, Wlliam | The dramatic works of William Mycherley | London, J. Rivingt | 1764 | |||||||
Anecdotes of polite literature | London, printed for | 1764 | ||||||||
Barrow, John | Collection of authentic, useful, and entertaining voyages and discoveries | London, printed for | 1765 | |||||||
Fox, Charles James | History of the early part of the reign of James 2d | 1765 | ||||||||
Tasso, Torquato | Jerusalem delivered; an heroic poem; translated from the Italian by John Hoole | London | 1765 | |||||||
English Theatre in Eight Volumes | Vol. V | London | 1765 | |||||||
Formey, M. | An ecclesiastical history from the birth of Christ to the present time, divided into centuries | London, printed for | 1766 | |||||||
Terentius Afer, Publius | Comedies of Terence. Translated into familiar blank verse by George Colman | Dublin, Elizabeth Watts |
1766 | |||||||
Pindar | Odes of Pindar, ... dissertation ... some poems by Gilbert West | London | 1766 | |||||||
Postlethwaite, Malachy | Universal Dictionary of Trade and Commerce, Third Ed. | London | 1766 | |||||||
Glas, George | History of the discovery and conquest of the Canary Islands, 2 vols. in 1 | Dublin, printed for | 1767 | map | ||||||
Swift, Jonathan | Letters, written by Jonathan Swift and several of his friends from the year 1703 to 1740 | London, printed for T. Davies, R. Davis, L. Davis and C. Reymars, and J. Dodsley |
1767 | |||||||
Tooke, Andrew | Pantheon, representing the fabulous histories of the heathen gods and most illustrious heathens | London, printed for C. Bathurst, J. Rivington, L. Hawes and others |
1767 | |||||||
Young, Arthur | Six weeks tour through the southern counties of England and Wales | Dublin, printed for J. Milliam in Skinner Row |
1768 | |||||||
Drawing School est. by the Dublin Society | Instructions given in the Drawing School | Dublin | 1769 | |||||||
Ruffhead, Owen | Life of Alexander Pope | London | 1769 | |||||||
Ogilvie, John | Poems | Dublin | 1769 | |||||||
Young, Arthur | Abridgement of the six weeks, and six months tour’s of Arthur Young, Esq; through the southern and northern counties of England and part of Wales | Dublin, printed by S. Powell |
1771 | |||||||
Fenelon, M. | Adventures of Telemachus, trans. by Dr. Hawkesworth | 1771 | ||||||||
Vertot, M. L'Abbe de | Revolutions of the Roman Republic, trans by Mr. Ozell, fourth ed. | Edinburgh | 1771 | |||||||
Meaux, L'Eveque de | Suite de L'Histoire Universelle | Paris | 1771 | |||||||
Logica Genevensis | : or, a Fourth Check to Antinomianism | Bristol,W. Pine | 1772 | inscribed: Samuel Adams His Book June the 6th 1777 ... | ||||||
Dagge, Henry | Considerations on criminal law | Dublin, printed for | 1772 | |||||||
Josephus, Flavius | Works, trans. by Roger L'Estrange | Glasgow | 1773 | |||||||
Laughton, George | History of ancient Egypt by George Laughton | London, T. Cadell | 1774 | |||||||
Johnstone, Charles | History of Arsaces, Prince of Betlis | London, printed for | 1774 | |||||||
Locke, John | Essay concerning human understanding | London | 1775 | |||||||
Kames, Henry Home, Lord | Sketches of the history of man, by Henry Home, Lord Kaims | Dublin, printed for | 1775 | |||||||
Kennett, Basil | Antiquities of Rome. In two parts | London, printed for | 1776 | illus. | ||||||
Luxborough, Henrietta (Saint-John) | Letters written by the late Right Honourable Lady Luxborough, to William Shenstone, esq. | Dublin | 1776 | |||||||
Enfield, William | Sermons for the use of families, 4th ed. | Belfast, printed by | 1776 | |||||||
Lyttelton, George Lord | Works of; formerly printed separately, collected together with some other pieces never before printed | London, printed for J. Dodsley in Pall Mall |
1776 | |||||||
De L'esprit | [French] | Amsterda, | 1777 | |||||||
Banks, Mr. | Anna Bullen; or Virtue Betrayed, a tragedy | London | 1777 | |||||||
Cosens, John | Economy of beauty; in a series of fables addressed to the ladies | Dublin, printed for | 1777 | |||||||
Robertson, William | History of America | London, printed for W. Strahan, T. Cadell, in the Strand; and J. Balfour at Edinburgh |
1777 | |||||||
Kindersley, Mrs. | Letters from the Island of Teneriffe, Brazil, the Cape of Good Hope, and the East Indies | London | 1777 | |||||||
Addison, Joseph | Miscellaneous works in verse and prose with some account of the life and writings of the author by Mr. Tickell | London, printed for | 1777 | |||||||
Ash, John | Sentiments on education, collected from the best writers; properly methodized, and interspersed with occasional observations. By John Ash | London. Printed fo | 1777 | |||||||
Watts, Isaac | World to come; or, Discourses on the Joys and Sorrows of Departed Souls at Death ..., fifth ed. | Edinburgh | 1777 | |||||||
British Theatre | Bell's Edition. | London, Edinburg, | 1778 | |||||||
Hume, David | History of England from the invasion of Julius Caesar to the revolution in 1688 | London, printed for | 1778 | |||||||
Story, Joshua | Introduction to English Grammar | Newcastle | 1778 | |||||||
Bicknell, A | Life of Alfred the Great, King of the Anglo-Saxons | London | 1778 | |||||||
Sully, Duke of (Maximilian de Bethune) | Memoirs of the life and reign of Henry the 4th, king of France, Fifth Edition, in six vols. | London | 1778 | |||||||
Milton, John | Poetical works ... from the text of Dr. Newton in four volumes; life of the author and critique on Paradise Lost by Joseph Addison | London, J. Bell | 1778 | |||||||
Locke, John | Some thoughts concerning education | Dublin | 1778 | |||||||
Stuart, Gilbert | View of society in Europe, a work in progress from rudeness to refinement | Edinburgh, printed for John Bell; & J. Murray |
1778 | |||||||
Massinger, Philip | Dramatick Works | London | 1779 | |||||||
Beattie, James | Essays: on poetry and music, as they affect the mind, on laughter, and ludicrous composition; on the usefulness of classical learning | London, printed for | 1779 | |||||||
Franklin, Benjamin | Miscellaneous, and philosophical pieces | London | 1779 | |||||||
Denham, John | Poetical works | Edinburg, Apollo P | 1779 | |||||||
Granville, George (Lansdowne) | Poetical works | Edinburg, Apollo P | 1779 | |||||||
Hughes, John | Poetical Works and the life of the author | Edinburg,at Apollo | 1779 | |||||||
Fenton, Elijah | Poetical Works of the author | Edinburg, at the A | 1779 | |||||||
Dyer, John | Poetical Works of the life of the author | Edinburg, at Apoll | 1779 | |||||||
Garth, Sir Samuel | Poetical Works of the life of the author | Edinburg, at Apoll | 1779 | |||||||
Donne, John | The poetical works of Dr. John Donne, with the life of the author | Edinburg, Apollo P | 1779 | |||||||
Aeschylus | Tragedies, trans. by R. Potter | London, printed for | 1779 | |||||||
LeSage | Histoire de Gil Blas de Santillane | Rouen | 1780 | |||||||
Dillon, Wentworth (Roscommon) | Poetical Works | Edinburg, Apollo P | 1780 | |||||||
Savage, Richard | Poetical Works | Edinburg, Apollo Press |
1780 | |||||||
Somerville, William | Poetical Works | Edinburgh at Apollo Press |
1780 | |||||||
Sheffield, John (Buckingham) | Poetical Works of John Sheffield, Duke of Buckingham | Edinburg, Apollo Press |
1780 | |||||||
Wailly, Noel Francois de. | Principes generaux et particulier de la langue francaise | Paris, J. Barbou | 1780 | |||||||
Lothian, William | The history of the United Provinces of the Netherlands from the death of Philip II, King of Spain, to the truce made with Albert & Isabelle | Dublin, W. & H. W | 1780 | |||||||
De La Croix, L'Abbe Nicolle | Geographie Moderne, par M. L’Abbe. In French | Paris, Chez Delala | 1781 | |||||||
Simes, Thomas | Military Guide for Young Officers | London | 1781 | |||||||
Akenside, Mark | Poetical works | Edinburg, Apollo P | 1781 | |||||||
Broome, William | Poetical works | Edinburg, Apollo P | 1781 | |||||||
West, Gilberrt | Poetical Works | Edinburg, Apollo Press |
1781 | |||||||
Armstrong, John | Poetical Works of John Armstrong, M.D. | Edinburg, at Apoll | 1781 | |||||||
Cunningham, John | Poetical Works of the lives of the author | Edinburg, at Apoll | 1781 | |||||||
Tickell, Thomas | Poetical Works of Thomas Tickell | Edinburg, at Apollo Press |
1781 | |||||||
Philips, John | The poetical works of John Philips with the life of the author | Edinburg, Apollo P | 1781 | |||||||
Rowe, Nicholas | The poetical works of Nicholas Rowe, with the life of the author | Edinburg, Apollo Press |
1781 | |||||||
King, William | The poetical works with the life of the author | Edinburg, Apollo P | 1781 | |||||||
Nouveau Dictionnaire | v.1 Allemand - Francois; v.2 Francois - Allemand | Strasbourg | 1781 | |||||||
Moore, John | View of society and manners in Italy ... relating to some eminent characters | London | 1781 | |||||||
Brooke, Henry | Fool of quality; or, History of Henry, Earl of Moreland | London, printed for | 1782 | |||||||
Gast, John | History of Greece | London | 1782 | |||||||
Alexander, William | History of Women, from the earliest antiquity to the present time, ...amongst all nations ancient and modern, Third ed., with many ...corrections | London | 1782 | |||||||
Crevecoeur, Michel Guillaume St. Jean de, called Saint John de Crevecoeur | Letters from an American farmer; describing provincial manners and customs of the British Colonies in North America. By J. Hector St. John, a farmer in Pennsylvania | Dublin, John Exsh | 1782 | map | ||||||
Chaucer, Geoffrey | Poetical Works of Geoffrey Chaucer, misc. poems from 1721, Canterbury Tales, 1775 | Edinburg, at Apoll | 1782 | |||||||
Watts, Isaac | Poetical works of Isaac Watts, D. D. with the life of the author | Edinburg, Apollo Press |
1782 | |||||||
Pitt, Christopher | Poetical Works of the author | Edinburg, at Apoll | 1782 | |||||||
Penn, William | Works, in five volumes | London | 1782 | |||||||
Godwin, William | History of the life of William Pitt, Earl of Chatham | London | 1783 | |||||||
Watson, Robert | History of the reign of Philip the Third, King of Spain | Dublin, printed for Messrs. Price, Whitestone, W. Watson, & others |
1783 | |||||||
Fielding, Henry | Miscellaneous Works | 1783 | ||||||||
Churchill, Charles | Poetical Works of Charles Churchill | Edinburg, at the A | 1783 | |||||||
Fletcher, Phineas | The purple island; or The isle of man, an allegorical poem esteemed the Spenser of his age, to which is added, Christ’s victory and triumph, a poem in four parts by Phineas and Giles Fletcher | London, printed by | 1783 | |||||||
Newton, Thomas | Dissertations on the prophecies which have remarkably been fulfilled, and at this time are fulfilling in the world | New York | 1784 | |||||||
O'Gallagher, Felix | Essay on the investigation of the first principles of nature together with the application to solve the events of the physical system | London | 1784 | |||||||
Congreve, William | Poetical works | Edinburg, at the A | 1784 | |||||||
Young, Edward | Poetical works | Edinburg, Apollo P | 1784 | |||||||
Dryden, John | Poetical Works of John Dryden | Edinburg, at the A | 1784 | |||||||
Gay, John | Poetical works of John Gay including his fables with the life of the author from the royal quarto ed. of 1720 | Edinburg, Apollo Press[1] |
1784 | |||||||
Addison, Joseph | Poetical works of Joseph Addison with the life of the author, Bell's 2d. ed. | Edinburg, Apollo P | 1784 | |||||||
Butler, Samuel | Poetical Works of Samuel Butler | Edinburg, at Apoll | 1784 | |||||||
MacNally, Leonard | Robin Hood; or, Sherwood Forest, a comic opera | New York, Longwo | 1784 | |||||||
Shenstone, William | Sallust's Jugurthine War and Conspiracy of Catiline, with English commentary, by Charles Anthon | Edinburg, at Apollo Press |
1784 | |||||||
Duncombe, John | Select works .. Emperor Julian ... and others ... from the French | London | 1784 | |||||||
Mitchell, J. | Shorthand without pen and ink | London | 1784 | |||||||
Waller, Edmund | The poetical works from Mr. Fenton’s quarto ed, 1729 with the life of the author | Edinburg, Apollo Press |
1784 | |||||||
Cowley, Abraham | The poetical works from the text of Dr. Sprat with the life of the author | Edinburg, Apollo P | 1784 | |||||||
Prior, Matthew | The poetical works of Matthew Prior with the life of the author | Edinburg, Apollo P | 1784 | |||||||
Smith, Adam | Inquiry into the Nature and Causes of the Wealth of Nations, 4th ed. | Dublin, printed for W. Colles, R. Moncrieff, G. Burnet, & others |
1785 | |||||||
Sheffield, John (Buckingham) | Lord Sheffield's observations on the Manufactures, Trade, Etc. of Ireland | Dublin | 1785 | |||||||
Cook, James | Voyage to the Pacific Ocean undertaken by command of His Majesty for making discoveries in the Northern hemisphere | London, H. Hughe | 1785 | |||||||
Newton, Thomas | Works of the Reverend Thomas Newton (Bishop of Bristol) | London, printed for | 1785 | |||||||
Beauties of the British Senate | : taken from the Debates of the Lords and Commons | London | 1786 | |||||||
Pratt, Samuel Jackson | Emma Corbett. 6th ed. | Newbury-Port Mas | 1786 | |||||||
Clarkson, Thomas | Essay on the slavery and commerce of the human species | Dublin, printed for | 1786 | |||||||
Transactions in India | from commencement of French War, 1756, to conclusion of late peace 1783 | London, printed for J. Debrett, in Picadilly |
1786 | |||||||
Gillies, John | History of ancient Greece, its colonies and conquests; from the earliest accounts until the division of the Macedonian empire in the East, including the history of literature, philosophy and the fine arts | Dublin | 1786 | |||||||
Parnell, Thomas | Poetical works | London | 1786 | |||||||
McIntosh | Remarks on a tour through the different countries of Europe, Asia, and Africa, … characters, customs, manners and laws, …with a proposed and well digested system, … for the improvement and better government of their possessions | Dublin, printed by | 1786 | |||||||
Charters, Samuel | Sermons | Edinburg, printed f | 1786 | |||||||
Mercier | The Nightcap | Dublin, printed for | 1786 | |||||||
Savery, Claude E. | Letters on Egypt containing a parallel between the manners of its ancient and modern inhabitants | London, G. G. J. and J. Robinson |
1787 | |||||||
Murry, Ann | Mentoria, the Young Ladies Instructor, or Young Lady's Friend | London | 1787 | |||||||
Hammond, James | Poetical works | London, Bell | 1787 | |||||||
Thomson, James | Poetical works | London | 1787 | |||||||
Swift, Jonathan | Poetical Works of Jonathan Swift | London, printed under direction of J. Bell |
1787 | |||||||
Costigan, Arthur William | Sketches of society and manners in Portugal, in a series of letters to his brother in London | London, T. Vernor | 1787 | |||||||
Spenser, Edmund | The poetical works of Edmund Spenser from the text of Mr. Upton, with the life of the author | London, printed under the direction of J. Bell, British library, Strand |
1787 | |||||||
Pomfret, John | The poetical works of John Pomfret to which is prefixed the life of the author | London, printed un | 1787 | |||||||
Barlow, Joel | The vision of Columbus; a poem in nine books, second ed. | Hartord, printed by | 1787 | |||||||
Chastelleux, Marquise de | Travels in North America, in 1780, 1781 and 1782, translated from the French | London | 1787 | illus., maps | ||||||
Rollin, Charles | Ancient history of the Egyptians, Carthaginians, Assyrians, Babylonians, Medes and Persians, Macedonians and Grecians, trans. from the French, in ten volumes, eighth ed. | London | 1788 | maps, illus. | ||||||
Kames, Henry Home, Lord | Elements of Criticism | Edinburgh | 1788 | |||||||
Gibbon, Edward | Essay on the study of literature | Dublin, printed for | 1788 | |||||||
Meilan, Mark Anthony | Friend of youth consisting of stories, dialogues, and moral dramas, partly translated and other writers and partly original | London, T. Hookm | 1788 | |||||||
Goldsmith, Oliver | Grecian History, from the earliest state to the death of Alexander the Great | Dublin, printed by | 1788 | |||||||
Savary, Claude E. | Letters on Greece, a sequel to Letters on Egypt | Dublin, printed for Messrs. L. White, P. Byrne, J. Moore, & B. Domin |
1788 | |||||||
Kippis, Andres | Life of Captain James Cook, by Andrew Kippis | Dublin, printed for | 1788 | |||||||
Martin, Benjamin | Philisophia Britannica: or New and Comprehensive System of the Newtonian Philosophy | London | 1788 | copious copperplate fold-out illus. | ||||||
Raynal, Guillaume T. F. | Philosophical and political history of the settlements and trade of the Europeans in the East and West Indies | London, printed for W. Sharar |
1788 | maps | ||||||
Lyttelton, George Lord | Poetical works | London, Bell | 1788 | |||||||
Price, Richard | Sermons on the Christian doctrine as received by the different demoniations of Christians | Dublin | 1788 | |||||||
Chenier, Louis de | The present state of the empire of Morocco | London, G. G. J. a | 1788 | map | ||||||
Wilson, Henry | Voyage to the Pelew Islands, in the Antelope, composed from his own Journals and those of his officers, who were shipwrecked there in 1783 | Dublin | 1788 | maps, illus. | ||||||
Knox, Vicesimus | Winter evenings | Dublin , printed for | 1788 | |||||||
Thomson, James | Works with his last improvements and corrections to which is prefixed the life of the author | London, printed by A. Strahan, for J. Rivington and Sons |
1788 | |||||||
Hartley House, Calcutta | a novel | Dublin, printed for | 1789 | |||||||
Lobo, Jeronymo | A voyage to Abyssinia by Father Jerome Lobo, continued down to the beginning of the eighteenth century with fifteen dissertations in various subjects | London | 1789 | |||||||
Berchtold | Count Leopold Berchtold's Essay for the direction of Patriotic Travellers | London | 1789 | |||||||
Russell, William | History of Modern Europe, with an account of the decline and fall of the Roman Empire…to the Peace of Paris, in 1763. A new ed. Carefully corrected | London, printed for G.G.J. and J. Robinson, and A. Hamilton |
1789 | |||||||
Smith, Adam | Inquiry into the Nature and Causes of the Wealth of Nations, 5th ed. | London | 1789 | |||||||
Saint-Pierre, Jacques Henri Bernardin de | Paul and Mary, an Indian story | Dublin, printed for P. Byrne, Grubber, McAlister et al |
1789 | |||||||
Genlis, Stephanie Felicite du Crest de St. Aubin, Comtesse de, afterwards marquise de Sillery | Tales of the castle; or, Stories of instruction and delight, trans. by Holcroft | Dublin, printed for | 1789 | |||||||
Bourgoanne, Chevalier de | Travels in Spain | London, printed for | 1789 | maps | ||||||
Coxe, William | Travels in Switzerland in a series of letters to William Melmouth from William Coxe | Dublin | 1789 | ill., map | ||||||
Sparrman, Andrew | Voyage to the Cape of Good Hope, towards the Antarctic polar circle, and round the world | Perth, printed by R. Morison, for R. Morison, G. Mudie, and J. Lackington |
1789 | illus. | ||||||
Bruce, James | An interesting narrative of the travels of Bruce into Abyssinia, to discover the source of the Nile | London, printed for | 1790 | |||||||
Goldsmith, Oliver | Citizen of the World | London | 1790 | |||||||
Catteau-Calleville Jean Pierre Guillame | General view of Sweden, trans. from the French | London, printed for | 1790 | |||||||
Anderson, Adam | Historical and Chronological Deduction of the Origin of Commerce | Dublin | 1790 | |||||||
Gray, Robert | Key to the Old Testament and Apocrypha | London | 1790 | inscribed: John Tucker | ||||||
Whitaker, John | Mary Queen of Scots vindicated. By John Whitaker | London, printed for J. Murray |
1790 | |||||||
Benyowski | Memoirs and Travels of Mautitius Augustus Count de Benyowsky, consisting of his military operations in Poland, exile into Kamschatka, ... Island of Madagasear | Dublin | 1790 | |||||||
Humphreys, David | Miscellaneous works of Colonel Humphreys | New York, printed | 1790 | |||||||
Smollett, Tobias George | Miscellaneous works of Tobias Smollett, M.D., in six volumes | Edinburgh, printed by David Ramsay, for Jo. and Ja. Fairbairn and A. Guthrie |
1790 | |||||||
Sturm, Christopher | Reflections on the works of God and of his providence, throughout all nature, for everyday in the year | Dublin, printed for William Jones |
1790 | |||||||
Falconer, William | Shipwreck, by William Falconer | Dublin, printed by | 1790 | |||||||
Le Vaillant, Francois | Travels into the interior parts of Africa, by way of the Cape of Good Hope in the years 1780-85 | London, printed for | 1790 | illus. | ||||||
Bruce, James | Travels to discover the source of the Nile in Egypt, Arabia, Abyssinia, and Nubia | Edinburgh, printed | 1790 | |||||||
British Plutarch | ; containing the lives of the most eminent statesmen, patriots, divines, warriors, philosophers, poets and artists of Great Britain and Ireland | London, printed for | 1791 | |||||||
Wendeborn, G. F. August | A view of England toward the close of the eighteenth century | London, printed for G. G. J. and J. Robinson |
1791 | |||||||
Lady Jane Gray | an historical tale | London | 1791 | |||||||
Rousseau, Jean Jacques | An inquiry into the nature of the social contract, or principles of political right. Translated from the French | Dublin, printed by B. Smith for William Jones |
1791 | |||||||
Buffon, M. de | Buffon’s Natural History, abridged including the history of the elements of man | Dublin, printed for | 1791 | plates | ||||||
Watson, Richard | Collection of Theological Tracts by the Bishop of Landaff | London | 1791 | |||||||
Lanseque, de | Compendium of ancient and modern Geography translated from the French, in question and answer | London | 1791 | |||||||
Valette, Laudun de | Discoveries of the French in 1768 and 1769, to the Southeast of New Guinea | London, printed for John Stockdale |
1791 | illus. | ||||||
Knox, Vicesimus, editor | Epistles, elegant, familiar, and instructive selected from the best writers, ancient as well as modern intended for the improvement of young persons and for general entertainment | London, printed for | 1791 | |||||||
Robertson, William | Historical Disquisition concerning the knowledge which the Ancients had of India | Dublin | 1791 | maps | ||||||
Hereford, Charles John Ann | History of France, from the first establishment of that monarchy, brought down to and includiing a complete narrative of the late revolution | London, printed for | 1791 | |||||||
Goldsmith, Oliver | History of the earth and animated nature | London, F. Wingra | 1791 | |||||||
Cambon, Mme. de | Letters and conversations between several Young Ladies | Philadelphia | 1791 | |||||||
Camoens, Luis de | Lusid, or the Discovery of India. An epic poem, trans. by William Mickle | Dublin | 1791 | maps | ||||||
Ariosto | Orlando of Ariosto, trans. by Hoole | London | 1791 | |||||||
Richardson, Samuel | Pamela; in a series of familiar letters from a beautiful young damsel to her parents | London | 1791 | |||||||
Archenholz, Johann W. | Picture of Italy, trans. from the original German by Joseph Trapp | Dublin, printed by | 1791 | |||||||
Holcroft, Thomas | Posthumous Works of Frederic II, King of Prussia, trans. from the French | Dublin | 1791 | |||||||
Johnson, Samuel | Rambler | London | 1791 | |||||||
Drake, Nathan | Speculator | Dublin | 1791 | |||||||
Heckford, William | Succinct Account of all the Religions ... that have prevailed in the world, from the earliest account of time, to the present period | London | 1791 | |||||||
Entertaining Tour ... through Flanders, Germany & Holland | London | 1791 | ||||||||
Literary Museum | ; or, A Selection of Scarce Old Tracts | London, printed for | 1792 | |||||||
* Mirror | A periodical paper, published at Edinburg in the years 1779 and 1780, by Mackenzie, etc. | Boston, printed at | 1792 | |||||||
* Loiterer | a periodical work, first published at Oxford in the years 1789 and 1790 | Dublin, printed by | 1792 | |||||||
LeSage | Adventures of Gil Blas of Santillane, translated by Roderick Random | London | 1792 | |||||||
Johnson, Samuel | Beauties of Samuel Johnson, consisting of maxims and observations, moral, critical and miscellaneous to which are now added biographical anecdotes of the doctor | London, printed for | 1792 | |||||||
Brooke, Henry | Fool of quality; or, History of Henry, Earl of Moreland | London, printed for | 1792 | |||||||
Brooke, Henry | Fool of quality; or, History of Henry, Earl of Moreland | London, printed for | 1792 | |||||||
Goldsmith, Oliver | History of England from the earliest times to the death of George II with elegant portraits | Perth, printed by | 1792 | |||||||
Reeves, John | History of the law of shipping and navigation. By John Reeves | London, printed for E. and R. Brooke |
1792 | |||||||
Robertson, William | History of the reign of Emperor Charles V | London, printed for C. Cabell in the Strand |
1792 | |||||||
Reeve, Clara | Plans of education with remarks on the systems of other writers in a series of letters between Mrs. Darnford and her friends | London, printed for T. Hookham and J. Carpenter |
1792 | |||||||
Zimmerman, M. | Solitude, considered with respect to its influence on the Mind and Heart, trans. from the German | Dublin | 1792 | |||||||
Marmontel, Jean Francois | Tales, trans. from the French: Tales of an Evening and the Honest Breton | Dublin | 1792 | |||||||
Cervantes Saavedra, Miguel de | The history and adventures of the renowned Don Quixote to which is prefixed some account of the author’s life by T. Smollett | London, printed for | 1792 | |||||||
Niebuhr, M. [Casten] | Travels through Arabia in 1761, and other countries, performed by the author | Edinburg, printed f | 1792 | maps | ||||||
Aikin, John | View of the character and public services of the late John Howard, Esq | London, printed for | 1792 | |||||||
Bligh, William | Voyage to the South Sea, undertaken … for the purpose of Conveying the Bread-Fruit Tree to the West Indies, in His Majesty’s Ship The Bounty, … the mutiny, …subsequent voyage of part of the crew … from Tofoa … to Timor, … in the East Indies | London, by Permi | 1792 | ill. | ||||||
Saugnier | Voyages to the coast of Africa, by Messrs. Saugnier and Brisson; … shipwreck on board different vessels, and subsequent slavery, … manners of the Arabs of the desert, … the slave trade, as carried on at Senegal and Galam … map of Africa | London, G. G. J. and J. Robinson |
1792 | |||||||
Hawksworth, John | Adventurer, a new ed., illustrated with frontispieces | London, printed for | 1793 | |||||||
Morse, Jedidiah | American universal geography; or, A view of the present state of all the empires, kingdoms, states, and republics in the known world and of the United States of America in particular. Published according to Act of Congress | Boston, Young an | 1793 | maps | ||||||
Beccaria, Marquis | Essay on Crimes and Punishments | Philadelphia | 1793 | |||||||
Brown, William Lawrence | Essay on natural equality of man | Philadelphia, print | 1793 | |||||||
Knox, Vicesimus | Essays, moral and literary | New York, printed | 1793 | |||||||
Florian, Jean Pierre Claris de | Gonzalva of Cordova; or, Grenada reconquered | Dublin, printed for | 1793 | |||||||
Russell, William | History of Ancient Europe, with a view of the revolutions in Asia and Africa in a series of letters to a young nobleman | London, printed for G. G. J. and J. Robinson |
1793 | |||||||
Ramsay, David | History of the American Revolution, 2 v. in 1. | Dublin | 1793 | |||||||
Godwin, William | Inquiry concerning political justice | Dublin | 1793 | |||||||
Ganganelli | Interesting letters of Pope Clement XIV | Dublin, printed by | 1793 | |||||||
Blair, Hugh | Lectures on rhetoric and belles lettres, 2d. American ed. from the 4th London ed. | Philadelphia, Matt | 1793 | |||||||
Bennett, John, Rev. | Letters to a young Lady on useful and interesting subjects | Philadelphia | 1793 | |||||||
Lee, Charles | Memoirs of the life of the late Charles Lee, Esq. second in command in the service of the United States of America during the revolution | New York, printed | 1793 | |||||||
Watts, Isaac | Philosophical essays on various subjects with some remarks on Mr. Locke’s essay on the human understanding to which is subjoined a brief scheme of ontology or the science of being in general with its affections, fifth ed., corrected | London, printed for J. Murgatroyd, Guthrie, Elder, and Dixon, and others |
1793 | |||||||
Bleecker, Ann Eliza | Posthumous Works | New York | 1793 | |||||||
Imlay, Gilbert | Topographical description of the western territory of North America, including Kentucky | New York, printed | 1793 | |||||||
Young, Arthur+A1652 | Travels in France during the years 1787, 1788 and 1789 | Dublin, printed for R. Corss |
1793 | maps | ||||||
De Pages, Monsieur | Travels round the world, in the years 1767, 1768, 1769, 1770, and 1771, by Monsieur DePages; also towards the South Pole, in 1773 and 1774 | London, printed for | 1793 | |||||||
Sterne, Laurence | Works containing, I. The life and opinions of Tristram Shandy, Gent. II. A sentimental journey through France and Italy, III. Sermons, IV. Letters, with a life of the author written by himself | London, printed for J. Dodsley, J. Johnson, G. G. and J. Robinson, T. Cadell and others |
1793 | |||||||
Josephus, Flavius | Works, trans. by William Whiston | Edinburgh | 1793 | |||||||
Johnson, Samuel | Works. With an essay on his life and genius, by Arthur Murphy, Esq. | Dublin, printed for | 1793 | |||||||
Guide to Domestic Happiness, in a series of Letters | London | 1793 | ||||||||
Smith, Charlotte | Banished Man, a novel in two volumes | Dublin | 1794 | |||||||
Linn, William | Discourses on the Signs of the Times | New York | 1794 | |||||||
Carey, Mathew | General Atlas | Philadelphia | 1794 | |||||||
Priestley, Joseph | Heads of Lectures on a course ... chemistry | London | 1794 | |||||||
Moore, John | Journal during a residence in France, from the beginning of August to the middle of December, 1792 | London | 1794 | |||||||
Aikin, John | Letters from a father to his son, on various topics, relative to literature and the conduct of life | Philadelphia, print | 1794 | |||||||
Johnson, Samuel | Lives of the English Poets | London | 1794 | |||||||
Coghlan, Margaret Moncrieffe | Memoirs of Mrs. John Coghlan, daughter of the late Major Moncrieffe, written by herself and dedicated to the British nation | London, printed for | 1794 | |||||||
Chantreau, Pierre N. | Philosophical political and literary travels in Russia, during the years 1788 and 1789 | Perth | 1794 | |||||||
Defoe, Daniel | Religious courtship: being historical discourses on the necessity of marrying religious husbands and wives only | Boston, I. Thomas | 1794 | |||||||
Fordyce, James | Sermons to young women | London, printed for | 1794 | |||||||
Plowden, Francis | Short History of the British Empire, from May 1792 to December 1793 | 1794 | ||||||||
Barthelemy, Jean Jacques | Travels of Anacharsis the younger in Greece, during the middle of the fourth century before the Christian era | London, printed for | 1794 | |||||||
Cook, James | Voyage to the Pacific Ocean undertaken by command of His Majesty for making discoveries in the Northern hemisphere | Dublin, printed for | 1794 | many illus. | ||||||
Guthrie, William | A new system of modern geography, or a geographical, historical, and commercial grammar (and Carey's Atlas) | Philadelphia, print | 1795 | |||||||
History of Poland | from its origin as a nation to the Commencement of the year 1795 | Dublin, printed by | 1795 | |||||||
Radcliffe, Ann (Ward) | Journey made in the summer of 1794, through Holland and the western frontier of Germany, with a return down the Rhine to which are added, observations during a tour to the Lakes of Lancashive, Westmoreland, and Cumberland | Dublin: printed by | 1795 | |||||||
Voltaire, Francois M. | Letters of certain Jews to M. Voltaire, 2 vols. in 1 | Philadelphia | 1795 | |||||||
MacGowan, John | Life of Jospeh, the son of Israel. In eight books | Philadelphia, print | 1795 | |||||||
Klopstock, Friedrich Gottlieb | The Messiah, attempted from the German of Mr. Klopstock, by Joseph Collyer. In fifteen books | New York | 1795 | |||||||
Thunberg, Karl Peter | Travels in Europe, Africa, and Asia, made between the years 1770 and 1779 | London, printed for B. and C. Rivington, and sold by W. Richardson |
1795 | |||||||
Rowson, Susanna Haswell | Trials of the human heart, a novel, 4 v. in 2. | Philadelphia, printed for the author by Wrigley & Berriman, sold by Messrs. Carey, Rice, Campbell Ormrod, Young and the author |
1795 | |||||||
Tschink, Cajetan | Victim of Magical Delusion, or the mystery of the revolution of Portugal, trans from the German by P. Will | Dublin | 1795 | inscribed: Sally Stoddert | ||||||
Moore, John | View of the causes and progress of the French Revolution | Dublin, printed for | 1795 | |||||||
Lounger's Commonplace Book | 2 vols. in 1 | London | 1796 | |||||||
* Looker-On | a periodical paper by the Rev. Simon Olive Brauch | Philadelphia, print | 1796 | |||||||
Anecdotes of Distinguished Persons | Chiefly of the present, and 2 preceding centuries | Dublin, printed by | 1796 | |||||||
Salzmann, Christian G. | Elements of Morality, for the use of children | Philadelphia, printed by J. Hoff |
1796 | |||||||
Gisborne, Thomas | Enquiry into the duties of the female sex | Yoxall Lodge | 1796 | |||||||
Adams, John, Rev. | Flowers of modern history | London, printed for | 1796 | |||||||
Playfair, William | History of Jacobinism | Philadelphia | 1796 | |||||||
Richardson, Samuel | History of Sir Charles Grandison; in a series of letters. 8th ed. | London, printed for T. Longman, J. Johnson, G.G. and J. Robinson and others |
1796 | |||||||
Smith, Charlotte | Marchmont | London | 1796 | |||||||
Belsham, William | Memoirs of the reign of George III to the commencement of the year 1793 | Dublin, printed for | 1796 | |||||||
Gibbon, Edward | Miscellaneous works of Edward Gibbon Esq. With memories of his life and writings | New York | 1796 | |||||||
Raff, Georg Christian | System of Natural history adapted for the Instruction of youth, in the form of a dialogue | London | 1796 | |||||||
Owen, John | Travels into different parts of Europe in the years 1791 and 1792 | London, printed by T. Cadell and W. Davis |
1796 | |||||||
Locke, John | Two Treatises of government: the former by Robert Filmer, and the latter by John Locke | Glasgow | 1796 | |||||||
Letters from Scandinavia concerning the past and present State of the Northern Nations of Europe | 1796 | |||||||||
Man As He Is | London | 1796 | ||||||||
Almon, John | Biographical, literary, and political anecdotes, of several of the most eminent persons of the present age by the author of anecdotes of the late Earl of Chatham | London, printed for | 1797 | |||||||
Adams, John | Defence of the Constitutions and Government of the United States of America, against the attack of M. Turgut in his letter to Dr. Price, dated the twenty-second day of March, 1778 | Philadelphia, For | 1797 | |||||||
Argenson, Rene Louis de Voyer de Paulmy, marquis d’ | Essays, civil, moral, literary and political written after the manner of Montagne by Marquis D’Argenson many years Prime Minister of France translated | Worcester, Mass, | 1797 | |||||||
Barbauld, Anna Letitia Aiken | Evenings at home; or, The juvenile budget opened. Consisting of a variety of miscellaneous pieces, for the instruction and amusement of young persons | Philadelphia, print | 1797 | |||||||
West, Mrs. Jane | History of Ned Evans, second ed. 4 vols in 2 | London, printed for G. G. J. and J. Robinson |
1797 | |||||||
Southey, Robert | Joan of Arc | London | 1797 | |||||||
Belknap, Jeremy | American biography, an historical account of those persons who have been distinguished in American, as adventurers, statesmen, philosophers, divines, warriors, authors, and other remarkable characters | Boston, Isaiah Tho | 1798 | |||||||
Van Braam, Andre Everard | Authentic Account of an embassy from the Dutch East India Company to the court of the Emperor of China in the years 1794 and 1795 | London | 1798 | |||||||
Gregory, George | Economy of nature explained and illustrated on the principles of modern philosophy | London, printed for | 1798 | |||||||
Moore, John | Edward. Various views of human nature, taken from life and manners, chiefly in England. Printed by W. Durell, for Napthali Judah | New York | 1798 | |||||||
Rumford, Benjamin Thompson, count | Essays, political, economical, and philosophical. 1st American from the 3rd London ed. | Boston, printed by Manning and Loring, for David West |
1798 | |||||||
Literary Memoirs of Living Authors of Great Britain | in two volumes | London | 1798 | |||||||
Darwin, Erasmus | Plan of female education in boarding schools, private families, and public seminaries | Philadelphia | 1798 | |||||||
Gisborne, Thomas | Principles of moral philosophy investigated and applied to the constitution of civil society | London, printed for | 1798 | |||||||
Robison | Proof of a Conspiracy against all Religions and Governments in Europe | New York | 1798 | |||||||
Murray, Judith Sargent | The Gleaner. A miscellaneous production. Published according to Act of Congress | Boston, I. Thomas | 1798 | |||||||
Williams, Helen Maria | Tour in Switzerland; or, A view of the present state of the governments and manners of those cantons | Dublin, printed for | 1798 | |||||||
Spallanzani, Lazzaro | Travels in the two Sicilies, ... parts of the Apennines | London, printed for G. G. and J. Robinson |
1798 | illus. | ||||||
Robinson, Mary | Walsingham; or the pupil of nature | Dublin | 1798 | |||||||
Plain Sense | : or, the history of Henry Villars and Ellen Mordaunt | Philadelphia | 1799 | |||||||
Staunton, Sir George Leonard, bart. | Authentic account of an embassy from the King of Great Britain to the Emperor of China, by Lord Macartney, in 1792 | Philadelphia, printed for Robert Campbell, by John Bioren |
1799 | |||||||
Blackstone, Sir William | Commentaries on the laws of England. In four books. Second American ed. Containing ... the additions by Richard Burn, ... to the present time by John Williams | Boston, printed by | 1799 | |||||||
Southey, Robert | Letters written during a short residence in Spain and Portugal, second ed. | Bristol, printed by Biggs and Cottle, for T. N. Longman and O. Rees |
1799 | |||||||
Matthisson, Friedrich von | Letters written from various parts of the continent, between the years 1785 and 1794 | London, printed for | 1799 | |||||||
Barruel, Augustin de | Memoirs illustrating the history of Jacobinism. A translation from the French of the Abbe Barruel | New York, printed | 1799 | |||||||
Trumbull, John | M'Fingal: A Modern epic poem in four cantos | Boston, printed by Manning & Loring, for Ebenezer Larkin |
1799 | |||||||
Dakins, Rev. W. W. | The Life of Catherine II of Russia | London, printed for | 1799 | |||||||
Saint-Fond, Barthelemy Faujas de | Travels in England, Scotland, and the Hebrides; undertaken for the purpose of examining the state of the arts, the sciences, natural history and manners in Great Britain | London, printed for James Ridgway |
1799 | illus. | ||||||
Josephus, Flavius | Whole genuine and complete works of Flavius Josephus | New York, printed | 1799 | |||||||
Pursuits of Literature | , a satirical poem in four dialogues | Philadelphia | 1800 | |||||||
Bingley, William | A tour round North Wales | London, sold by E | 1800 | |||||||
Herty, Thomas | Digest of the laws of the United States of America. Being a complete system, alphabetically arranged | Baltimore, printed | 1800 | |||||||
Metastasio, Pietro, Abbe | Dramas and other poems, translated by John Hoole | London | 1800 | |||||||
Anthing, Frederic | History of the campaigns of Prince Alexander Suworow Rymniski, Field Marshall-General ... | New York, printed | 1800 | ... Souvaroff | ||||||
Starke, Mariana | Letters from Italy, from 1792 to 1788 | London | 1800 | |||||||
Tooke, William | Life of Catharine II, Empress of Russia, fifth ed. | Dublin, printed by J. Moore |
1800 | |||||||
Bisset, Robert | Life of Edmund Burke, second ed. | London | 1800 | |||||||
Drake, Nathan | Literary hours; or, Sketches critical and narrative in 2 vols. | Sudbury, printed b | 1800 | |||||||
Clairon, Claire J., known as Mlle. Clairon | Memoirs with reflection upon the dramatic art translated from the French | London, printed for | 1800 | |||||||
Schiller, Frederick | Piccolomini, ... a drama, trans. from the German | London | 1800 | |||||||
Campbell, Thomas | Pleasures of hope, with other poems ... to which is added The nurse, A new and improved ed | New York, printed | 1800 | |||||||
Planta, Joseph | The history of the Helvetic Confederacy | London, printed for | 1800 | |||||||
Boyd, Hugh | The miscellaneous works of Hugh Boyd, the author of the letters of Junius, with an account of his life and writings by Lawrence Dundas Campbell | London, printed for | 1800 | |||||||
Park, Mungo | Travels in the interior districts of Africa ... under the direction and patronage of the African Association, in 1795, 1796 and 1797 | Philadelphia | 1800 | |||||||
Colquhoun, Patrick | Treatise on the commerce and police of the river Thames | London, printed for | 1800 | |||||||
Walker, George | Vagabond. A novel. By George Walker | Dublin, printed by D. Graisberry for G. Burnet, P. Morgan, J. Moore, J. Rice and G. Golingsby |
1800 | |||||||
Walpole, Horace, Earl of Oxford | Walpoliana | Dublin, published by Burnett, Wogan, Porter and others |
1800 | |||||||
* Asiatic Annual Register for 1799 | London, printed for | 1800 | ||||||||
Athenian Letters | Basil, Strasburgh | 1800 | ||||||||
Bloomfield, Robert | Farmer’s boy; a rural poem. 1st American ed. Wood engravings by A. Anderson | New York, George | 1801 | |||||||
Segur, Louis Phillipe, comte de | History of the principal events of the reign of Frederic William II, King of Prussia, and a political picture of Europe from 1786 to 1796 | London, printed for T. Longman and O. Rees, by G. Woodfall |
1801 | |||||||
Willich, Anthony Florian Madinger | Lectures on Diet and Regimen | New York | 1801 | |||||||
Sevigne, Mme de | Letters from Mme Sevigne to her daughter | London | 1801 | |||||||
Hamilton, Elizabeth | Memoirs of modern philosophers by Elizabeth Hamilton | London, printed by | 1801 | |||||||
Storch, Heinrich F. | Picture of Petersburg from the German of Henry Storch | London, Longman | 1801 | map | ||||||
Eton, W. | Survey of Turkish Empire, 3rd ed. Printed for Cabell and Davies | London | 1801 | |||||||
West, Mrs. Jane | Tale of the Times, in two volumes | Alexandria | 1801 | |||||||
Fell, R. | Tour through the Batavian Republic in 1800 | London | 1801 | |||||||
More, Hannah | Works of Hannah More, in eight volumes, including several pieces never before published | London, printed by A. Strahan |
1801 | |||||||
Correspondence of Theodosius and Constantia | 2 vols. in 1 to which is added the Country Justice | New York | 1802 | |||||||
Kotzebue, August Friedrich Ferdinand von | Account of his exile into Siberia | London | 1802 | |||||||
Cobbett, William | Collection ... relative to the Peace with Bonaparte | Philadelphia | 1802 | |||||||
Langhorne, John | Correspondence of Theodosius and Constantia before and after her taking the veil, to which is added the Country Justice | New York, James | 1802 | |||||||
Smith, Charlotte | Emmeline, the orphan of the castle | Philadelphia | 1802 | |||||||
Drew, Samuel | Essay on the Immortality of the Soul | 1802 | ||||||||
Pratt, Samuel Jackson | Gleanings through Wales, Holland, and Westphalia, sixth ed. | London, printed for | 1802 | |||||||
Voltaire, Francois Marie Arouet de | Histoire de Charles XII, Roi de Suede | Paris, Didot | 1802 | |||||||
Gessner, S. | Idylls, or Pastoral poems | Philadelphia | 1802 | |||||||
West, Mrs. Jane | Infidel Father | London, printed for A. Strahan |
1802 | |||||||
Federalist | on the new Constitution, By Publius. Written in 1788. To which is added, Pacificus, on the proclamation of neutrality, Written in 1739. Likewise, the federal Constitution with all the amendments | New York, printed | 1802 | |||||||
Genlis, Stephanie Felicite du Crest de St. Aubin, Comtesse de, afterwards marquise de Sillery | Series of Novels | London | 1802 | |||||||
Blair, Hugh | Sermons | New York | 1802 | |||||||
Roche, Mrs. Regina Maria (Dalton) | Vicar of Landsdowne; or, Country quarters | Printed by W. Pechin |
1802 | |||||||
Tatler | ;Or, Lucubrations of Isaac Bickerstaff, Esq. | Philadelphia, published by Samuel F. Bradford and John Conrad and Co., Robert Carr, printer |
1803 | |||||||
Mosheim, John Lawrence | An ecclesiastical history, ancient and modern from the birth of Christ to the beginning of the eighteenth century by the late learned John Lawrence Mosheim | London, published | 1803 | maps | ||||||
Brown, Charles Brockden | Arthur Mervyn, a tale | London, printed at | 1803 | |||||||
Miller, Samuel | Brief Retrospect of the 18th century | New York | 1803 | |||||||
Gleanings from Celebrate Authors on Husbandry, Gardening, and Rural Affairs | by a Gentleman of Philadelphia | Philadelphia | 1803 | |||||||
Williams, Helen Maria | Correspondence of Lewis XVI : [letters on the French Revolution, written in France, in the summer of 1790] | New York | 1803 | |||||||
Willich, Anthony Florian Madinger | Domestic Encyclopaedia; or, A dictionary of facts and useful knowledge comprehending a concise view of the latest discoveries, inventions and improvements, chiefly applicable to rural and domestic economy | Philadelphia, pub. by William Young Birch & Abraham Small; Robert Carr, printer |
1803 | illus., instru. | ||||||
Phillips, J. | General History of Inland Navigation | London | 1803 | |||||||
Hamilton, Elizabeth | Letters on the elementary principles of education, in two volumes | Printed for Samuel | 1803 | |||||||
Roscoe, William | Life of Lorenzo de’ Medici, called the Magnificant | Philadelphia, printed for Bronson & Chauncey |
1803 | |||||||
Bristed, John | Pedestrian tour through part of the Highlands of Scotland, in 2 vol. | London | 1803 | |||||||
Calamy, Edmund, D.D. | The Nonconformist’s Memorial | London, printed by | 1803 | |||||||
Walker, George | Theodore Cyphon: or, the benevolent Jew, a novel | Alexandria | 1803 | |||||||
Hunter, William | Travels in Turkey and Hungary, etc. | London | 1803 | |||||||
Denon, Dominique Vivant, baron | Travels in upper and lower Egypt, during the campaigns of General Bonaparte in that country | New York, printed | 1803 | illus. | ||||||
Grandpre, L. De | Voyage to the Indian Ocean and to Bengal, trans. from the French | Boston | 1803 | |||||||
Montagu, Lady Mary P. Wortley | Works of the Right Hon. Lady Mary Wortley Montagu. Published by permission, from her genuine papers. Edited, with a memoir of the author by James Dallaway | London, R. Phillips | 1803 | maps | ||||||
British Drama | ; comprehending the best plays in the English Language | London | 1804 | |||||||
Betham, Matilda | Biographical dictionary of the celebrated women of every age and country | London, printed by | 1804 | |||||||
Lee, Harriet and Sophia | Canterbury Tales by Sophia and Harriet Lee | London, printed for | 1804 | |||||||
Anecdotes of Distinguished Persons | Chiefly of the last and two preceeding centuries, in 4 vols. | London, printed for | 1804 | |||||||
Wakefield, Priscilla | Family Tour through the British Empire | Philadelphia | 1804 | |||||||
Arrowsmith & Lewis | General Atlas, ... containing Sixty-Three Maps | Philadelphia, Conr | 1804 | |||||||
Heriot, George | History of Canada ... colony of Louisiana | London | 1804 | |||||||
Card, Henry | History of the revolutions of Russia, second ed. | London, T. Longm | 1804 | |||||||
Stephens, Alexander | History of the Wars, which arose out of the French Revolution | Philadelphia, published by John Browne, and Thomas L. Plowman |
1804 | |||||||
Austin, William | Letters from London, written during the years 1802 and 1803. | Boston, Printed for | 1804 | |||||||
Drake, Nathan | Literary hours; or, Sketches critical and narrative in 3 vols. | London | 1804 | |||||||
Pinkerton, John | Modern geography (the article America by Dr. Barton, of Philadelphia) | Philadelphia, John Conrad; H. Maxwell, printer |
1804 | |||||||
Crispi, C. Sallustii | Operas | Philadelphia | 1804 | |||||||
Roberts, Job | Pennsylvania Farmer, selection of ... treatises on husbandry ... | Philadelphia | 1804 | |||||||
Stewarton | Revolutionary Plutarch, exhibiting the most distinguished characters, literary, military and political in the recent annals of the French Republic | London, printed for John Murray |
1804 | |||||||
Murray, Hugh | Swiss Emigrants: a tale | London | 1804 | |||||||
Wittman, William | Travels in Turkey, Asia-Minor, Syria, and across the desert into Egypt, during the years, 1799, 1800, and 1801, in company with the Turkish army and the British military mission | Philadelphia, printed and sold by James Humphreys |
1804 | |||||||
Le Noir, Mrs. | Village Anecdotes | London | 1804 | |||||||
Gayworthys | : a story of threads and thrums | Boston | 1805 | |||||||
Aldini, John | Account of the late improvements in Galvanism with a series of curious and interesting experiments to which is added, an appendix containing the author’s experiments on the body of a malefactor executed at Newgate | London | 1805 | |||||||
Edlin, A. | Art of Bread-Making | London | 1805 | |||||||
Bigland, John | Essays on various subjects by J. Bigland | Doncaster, printed | 1805 | |||||||
Sullivan, Francis Stoughton | Lecture on the Constitution and Laws of England, ..., and a discourse ... by Gilbert Stuart, First Am. Ed. | Portland | 1805 | |||||||
Samson, Joseph | Letters from Europe, during a tour through Switzerland and Italy, in the years 1801 and 1802 | Philadelphia, printed for the author by A. Bartram, and sold by T. Dobson |
1805 | |||||||
Plinius, Caecilius Secundus C. | Letters of Pliny the Consul with occasional remarks, trans. by Melmoth | London | 1805 | |||||||
Holcroft, Thomas | Memoirs of Bryan Perdue. A novel. By Thomas Holcroft | London, printed for | 1805 | |||||||
Talleyrand, C.M. | Memoirs of C. M. Talleyrand de Perigord, one of Bonaparte’s principal secretaries of State | London, printed for J. Murray |
1805 | |||||||
Jones, William, Sir | Memoirs of the Life, Writings, and Correspondence of Sir William Jones, by Lord Teignmouth | Philadelphia | 1805 | |||||||
Carr, John | Northern summer; or, Travels round the Baltic through Denmark, Sweden, Russia, Prussia and part of Germany, in the year 1804 | Philadelphia, print | 1805 | |||||||
Massinger, Philip | Plays | London | 1805 | |||||||
Carr, John | Stranger in France | Baltimore | 1805 | |||||||
Dobson, Mrs. | The Life of Petrarch. Collected from memories | London, printed by | 1805 | |||||||
Thucydides | Thucydides, Peloponnesian War, trans. by Dr. Smith | 1805 | ||||||||
Barrow, John | Travels in China made and collected at the imperial palace of Yuen-Min-Yuen. 1st American ed. | Philadelphia, print | 1805 | |||||||
Griffiths, Julius | Travels in Europe, Asia Minor and Arabia | Edinburgh and Lon | 1805 | |||||||
Pons, Francois Raymond Joseph de, 1751-1812 | A voyage to the Eastern part of Terra Firma, or the Spanish Main, in South America, during the years 1801-1804 | New York, I. Riley | 1806 | |||||||
Study and Practice of the Law, considered in their various relations to society, in a series of letters. | By a member of Lincolns Inn, First American Ed. | Portland | 1806 | |||||||
Bryan, Mrs. | Conversations on Chymistry [chemistry], in which the elements of that science are familiarly explained ... and illustrated by experiments | Philadelphia, print | 1806 | illus. | ||||||
Rush, Benjamin | Essays, literary, moral and philosophical, 2nd ed. | Philadelphia, printed by Thomas and William Bradford |
1806 | |||||||
Harris, James | Hermes or a philosophical inquiry concerning universal grammar, 6th ed. | London, F. Wingra | 1806 | |||||||
Edwards, Bryan | History, civil and commerical, of the British colonies in the West Indies | Philadelphia, print | 1806 | |||||||
Adams, George | Lectures on natural and experimental philosophy considered in its present state of improvement | Philadelphia, Ame | 1806 | |||||||
Bigland, John | Letters on the study and use of ancient and modern history | Philadelphia, print | 1806 | |||||||
Philippart, John | Life and campaigns of Victor Moreau, by an officer of the staff | New York | 1806 | |||||||
Roscoe, William | Life and pontificate of Leo the Tenth | Philadelphia, printed at the Lorenzo Press of E. Bronson |
1806 | |||||||
Priestley, Joseph | Memoirs of Dr. Joseph Priestley to the year 1795 written by himself | New York | 1806 | |||||||
Cumberland, Richard | Memoirs of Richard Cumberland | Philadelphia | 1806 | |||||||
Dufief, N. G. | Nature displayed, or method of acquiring a Language in the shortest time possible. Adapted to the French | Philadelphia, print | 1806 | |||||||
Pinckard, George | Notes on the West Indies | London | 1806 | |||||||
Demonsthenes | Orations of Demosthenes, trans. by Dr. Thomas Leland | London | 1806 | |||||||
Clarkson, Thomas | Portraiture of Quakerism taken from a view of the education and discipline, social manners, civil and political economy, religious principles and character of the Society of Friends | New York, publish | 1806 | |||||||
Montagu, Edward Wortley | Rise and Fall of the ancient republics | Philadelphia | 1806 | |||||||
Watts, John | Secret History of Court of St. Cloud, 1805 | Philadelphia, printed and sold by John Watts |
1806 | |||||||
Reide, Thomas | Staff Officer's Manual | London | 1806 | |||||||
Duncan, Archibald | The Mariner's Chronicle, being a collection of understanding narratives of shipwrecks | Printed and sold b | 1806 | |||||||
Helms, Anthony Z. | Travels from Buenos Ayres, by Polosi, to Lima, with notes by the translator containing topographical descriptions of the Spanish possessions in South America | London, R. Phillips | 1806 | map | ||||||
Lemaistre, J. G. | Travels in France, Italy and Switzerland after the Peace of Amiens | London | 1806 | |||||||
Kotzebue, August Friedrich Ferdinand von | Travels through Italy, in the years 1804 and 1805 | London, printed for | 1806 | |||||||
Depons, F. | Voyage ... the Spanish Main, in South America | New York | 1806 | map | ||||||
Ulloa, Antonio de | Voyage to South America | London | 1806 | maps. illus. | ||||||
Bloomfield, Robert | Wild flowers; or Pastoral and local poetry | Philadelphia, publi | 1806 | |||||||
Evans, John | A sketch of the denominations of the Christian world | Boston, printed by | 1807 | |||||||
Constitution of the State of Massachusetts | and that of the United States | Boston | 1807 | |||||||
Smith, John Thomas | Antiquities of Westminster: the old palace; St. Stephen's Chapel | London | 1807 | illus. | ||||||
Grellman, H.M.G. | Dissertation on the Gipseys | London,William B | 1807 | illus. | ||||||
Walpole, B.C. | Life of the Hon. Charles J. Fox | New York | 1807 | |||||||
Marmontel, Jean Francois | Memoirs, First American Ed. | Philadelphia | 1807 | |||||||
Brackenridge, H.H. | Modern Chivalry | Philadelphia and R | 1807 | |||||||
Semple, Robert | Observations on a journey through Spain and Italy to Naples | London | 1807 | |||||||
Stewarton | Picture of the Empire of Buonaparte, and his federate nations; or, The Belgian Traveller | Middleton, Conn., printed by Alsop and Alsop |
1807 | |||||||
Owenson, Sydney | St. Clair | Philadelphia | 1807 | |||||||
Janson, Charles William | Stranger in America | London, printed for | 1807 | |||||||
Boswell, James | The life of Samuel Johnson LLD comprehending the account of his studies and numerous works in chronological order | Boston, published | 1807 | |||||||
Chapone, Mrs. Hester Mulso | The works of Mrs. Chapone, now first collected to which is prefixed an account of her life and character drawn up by her own family | London, printed for | 1807 | |||||||
Edgeworth, Maria | Tomorrow or the dangers of delay. By Maria Edgeworth | New Brunswick N. | 1807 | |||||||
Carr, John | Tour through Holland, along the right and left banks of the Rhine, to the South of Germany in the summer and autumn of 1806 | Philadelphia, Conr | 1807 | |||||||
Montgomery, James | Wanderer of Switzerland | New York | 1807 | |||||||
Mease, James, M.D. | Work devoted to commerce, agriculture and the useful arts | Philadelphia, publi | 1807 | |||||||
Jones, William, Sir | Works of Sir William Jones, by Lord Teignmouth | London, printed for | 1807 | |||||||
Hill, John | Account of the Life and Writings of Hugh Blair | Philadelphia, Univ | 1808 | |||||||
Hawksworth, John | Almoran and Hamet: an Oriental tale, 2 v. in 1. | Philadelphia, Reyn | 1808 | |||||||
Ainsworth's Dictionary, English and Latin, designed for the use of schools, by Thomas Morell | an abridgement, first Am. ed. | Philadelphia, Bost | 1808 | |||||||
Mackay, Samuel | Campaigns of the armies of France, in Prussia, Saxony, and Poland, under the command of His Majesty the Emperor and King, in 1806 and 1807, 4 vols. in 1 | Boston, Farrand Mallory |
1808 | |||||||
Young, Edward | Centaur Not Fabulous | Philadelphia | 1808 | |||||||
Andrews, John | Characteristical views of the past and of the present state of the people of Spain and Italy | London, C. Chappl | 1808 | |||||||
Whelpley, Samuel | Compend of History, first revised edition, in two vols. | Philadelphia | 1808 | |||||||
Shuckford, Samuel | Connection of Sacred and Profane History | London | 1808 | maps, incl.Garden of Eden | ||||||
Blackmore, Richard | Creation, a poem, vol. 6 of Sacred Classics | Philadelphia | 1808 | |||||||
Faber, George Stanley | Dissertation on the prophecies, that have been fulfilled, are now fulfilling, or will hereafter by fulfilled, relative to the great period of 1260 years; ... restoration of the Jews | Boston, 1st Am. e | 1808 | |||||||
Cottin, Sophie | Elizabeth; Or, the Exiles of Siberia | Philadelphia | 1808 | |||||||
Kenney, James | Ella Rosenberg; a melodrama in two acts | New York | 1808 | |||||||
Addison, Joseph | Evidences of the Christian Religion | New York | 1808 | |||||||
Travels through Spain and part of Portugal with commercial, statistical, and geographical details | First American Edition | Boston | 1808 | map | ||||||
Rowe, Mrs. Elizabeth Singer | Friendship in death, in letters from the dead to the living to which are added letters moral and entertaining in prose and verse, vol. 10 of Sacred Classics | Philadelphia, published by B. Kite |
1808 | |||||||
Molina, J. Ignatius | Geographical, Natural and Civil History of Chili [Chile] | Middletown | 1808 | |||||||
Voltaire, Francois M. | History of Charles XII, King of Sweden | Frederick-town, printed & sold by John T. Thomson |
1808 | |||||||
Clarkson, Thomas | History of the rise, progress, & accomplishment of the abolition of the African slave-trade, by the British Parliament | Philadelphia, publi | 1808 | illus. | ||||||
Espriella, Don Manuel Alvarez | Letters from England | Philadelphia | 1808 | |||||||
Scott, Sir Walter | Marmion: Tale of Flodden Field | Philadelphia, published by Hopkins & Earle |
1808 | |||||||
Pennington, M. | Memoirs of the life of Mrs. Elizabeth Carter, with a new edition of her poems, by the Rev. M. Pennington | London, printed for J. Rivington |
1808 | |||||||
Smellie, William | Philosophy of Natural History | Dover, N.H. | 1808 | |||||||
Bunyan, John | Pilgrims Progress | Philadelphia, Kite | 1808 | |||||||
Robinson, Thomas R. | Poems, written bet. ages 7 and 13, first American from first Belfast ed. | Brooklyn | 1808 | |||||||
Crabbe, George | Poetical Works | Philadelphia | 1808 | |||||||
Fessenden, Thomas Green | Register of Arts, ... discoveries and inventions | Philadelphia | 1808 | |||||||
Chapman, N. | Select Speeches, Forensick and Parliamentary | 1808 | ||||||||
Maturin, Charles Robert | Wild Irish Boy by Dennis Jasper Murphy (pseud.) | New York, printed | 1808 | |||||||
Surr, Thomas Skinner | Winter in London; or, Sketches of fashion, a novel | Baltimore, published by Kid &Thomas |
1808 | |||||||
Collection Abregee des Voyages Ancien et Modernes autour du monde | Paris | 1808 | ||||||||
Kelly, Hugh | False delicacy: a comedy in five acts | New York, Longwo | 1809 | |||||||
Grant, Anne MacVickar | Letters from the mountains: being the real correspondence of a lady, between the years 1773-1807 | Boston, E. Larkin, | 1809 | |||||||
Langhorne, John | Letters supposed to have passed between M. de St. Evremond and Mr. Waller, First American ed. | Baltimore, publish | 1809 | |||||||
Warin, J.J. Regnault | Magdalen Church Yard, 4 vols. in 2 | Boston | 1809 | |||||||
Cecil, Richard | Memoirs of the Rev. John Newton, late rector of St. Mary Woolnoth ... | New York | 1809 | |||||||
Yankey in London | Series of letters, written by an American youth, during 9 month residence in City of London | Boston, printed and published by Isaac Relig |
1809 | |||||||
Curran, John Philpot | Speeches of John Philpot Curran with the speeches of Erskine and Burke | New York, I. Riley | 1809 | |||||||
Harriott, John | Struggles through life, exemplified in the various travels and adventures in Europe, Asia, Africa and America, of Lieut. John Harriott | London printed. P | 1809 | |||||||
Edgeworth, Maria | Tales of fashionable life, by Miss Edgeworth. In three volumes | 1809 | ||||||||
Porter, Robert Ker | Travelling Sketches in Russia and Sweden | Philadelphia | 1809 | |||||||
Henry, Alexander | Travels and adventures in Canada and the Indian territories, between the years 1760 and 1776 | New York, I. Riley | 1809 | |||||||
Faber, George Stanley | View of the prophecies | Boston | 1809 | |||||||
Jackson, James Grey | An account of the Empire of Morocco, and the District of Suse | Philadelphia, print | 1810 | map | ||||||
Sailor's Friendships | and a Soldier's Love, first American Ed., 2 vols. in 1 | Baltimore | 1810 | |||||||
Crabbe, George | Borough, a poem in twenty-four letters. By the Rev. G. Crabbe | Philadelphia, Insk | 1810 | |||||||
Dufief, N. G. | Dictionary of the French and English Languages | 1810 | ||||||||
Smith, Elizabeth | Fragments in prose and verse, by Miss Elizabeth Smith, lately deceased | New York | 1810 | |||||||
Pinkerton, John | General Collection of Voyages and Travels | Philadelphia | 1810 | illus. | ||||||
Brooke, Henry | Gustavus Vasa, the deliverer of his country. A tragedy adapted for theatrical representation as performed at the Theatree Roiyal, Drury-Lane, and Covent-Garden, and the American theatres | New York, Longwo | 1810 | |||||||
Smollett, Tobias George | History of England | Baltimore | 1810 | |||||||
Bigland, John | History of Spain, in 2 vols. | London | 1810 | |||||||
Silliman, Benjamin | Journal of Travels in England, Holland and Scotland ... | New York | 1810 | |||||||
Adams, John Quincy | Lectures on Rhetoric and Oratory | Cambridge | 1810 | |||||||
Montague, Mrs. E. | Letters of Mrs. Elizabeth Montague | New York | 1810 | |||||||
Cave, William | Lives of the Apostles and Evangelists | Philadelphia | 1810 | |||||||
Hutchinson, Julius | Memoirs ... Colonel Hutchinson, written by his widow Lucy | London | 1810 | |||||||
Macpherson, James | Poems of Ossian; translated ... dissertations ... review of the recent controversy ... with engravings on wood by Anderson. | New York, printed for Ezra Sargeant, Broadway |
1810 | replaces 1801 entry? | ||||||
Johnson, S. | Rasselas, Prince of Abissinia, a tale | Frederick-Town | 1810 | |||||||
West, Mrs. Jane | Refusal, 3 vols. in 2 | Philadelphia | 1810 | |||||||
Addison, Joseph | Spectator | Philadelphia, in ei | 1810 | inscribed: John Miller | ||||||
Dimond, William | The doubtful son; or, Secrets of a palace: a play in five acts | New York, Longwo | 1810 | |||||||
MacKnight, James | Translation of the Apostolic Epistles | Boston | 1810 | Spine of v.1 marked: 3; of v.6:2 | ||||||
Lempriere, J. | Universal Biography ... eminent persons | New York | 1810 | |||||||
LaFontaine, August H. Julius | Village Pastor and His Children, A Novel | New York, publish | 1810 | |||||||
Turnbull, John | Voyage round the world in the years 1800, 1801, 1802, 1803, and 1804 ...,first American, from the London ed. | Philadelphia | 1810 | |||||||
Montgomery, James | West Indies, by James Montgomery and other poems on the abolition of the slave-trade, by James Grahame, and E. Benger | New York, publish | 1810 | |||||||
Dante Alighieri | [Works, Italian] | Venice | 1811 | |||||||
Goldsmith, Oliver | Abridgment of the History of England | Alexandria, Va. | 1811 | |||||||
Lewis, Matthew Gregory | Alfonso; King of Castile: a tragedy in five acts | New York, publish | 1811 | |||||||
Faber, George Stanley | Dissertation on the prophecies, that have been fulfilled, are now fulfilling, or will hereafter by fulfilled, relative to the great period of 1260 years; ... restoration of the Jews | New York, 2nd A | 1811 | |||||||
Bigland, John | Geographical and historical view of the world: exhibiting a complete delineation of the natural and artificial features of each country; … origin of the different nations, their political revolutions, and progress in arts, sciences, literature, commerce, in 5 vols. With notes ... the American continent, ... by Jedidiah Morse | Boston | 1811 | |||||||
Coote, Charles | History of Modern Europe, from 1763 to 1802, a continuation of Dr. Russell's history | Philadelphia | 1811 | |||||||
Butler, Charles | Life of Fenelon, Archbishop of Cambray | Baltimore, publish | 1811 | |||||||
Hodgson, Rev, Robert | Life of the right Rev. Porteus, late Bishop of London | New York | 1811 | |||||||
Maturin, Charles Robert | Milesian chief, by the author of Montorio, by Dennis Jasper Murphy (pseud.) | Dublin | 1811 | |||||||
Bowditch, Nathaniel | New American Practical Navigator, third ed. | New York | 1811 | |||||||
Stewart, Dugald | Philosophical essays, First American Edition | Philadelphia, printed for A. Finley; New York, Whiting and Watson |
1811 | |||||||
Southey, Robert | Remains of Henry Kirke White | Philadelphia | 1811 | |||||||
Bristed, John | Resources of the British Empire | New York | 1811 | |||||||
Klopstock, Friedrich Gottlieb | The Messiah, attempted from the German of Mr. Klopstock, by Joseph Collyer. In fifteen books, two vols | Boston, published | 1811 | |||||||
Inchbald, Mrs. Elizabeth (Simpson) | The midnight hour; a comedy in three acts | New York, publish | 1811 | |||||||
Pindar, Peter | The works of Peter Pindar with a copious index to which is prefixed some account of his life, by John Wolcott | Boston, published by Charles Williams, sold by A. Lyman and Co. |
1811 | |||||||
Clarke, Edward Daniel | Travels in various countries of Europe, Asia and Africa, Russia, Tartary, and Turkey | Philadelphia | 1811 | map | ||||||
Hook, Theodore Edward | Trial by jury: a comic piece, in two acts | New York | 1811 | |||||||
Johnson, Samuel | Works | London | 1811 | |||||||
Fenelon, M. | Adventures of Telemachus [French] | Philadelphia | 1812 | |||||||
Mease, James | Archive of useful knowledge | Philadelphia | 1812 | |||||||
D'Israeli, I. | Calamities of Authors, [by Lord Beaconsfield] | New York | 1812 | |||||||
Adams, Hannah | History of the Jews | Boston | 1812 | |||||||
Bunyan, John | Holy War made by Shaddai Upon Diabolus | Baltimore, Miltenb | 1812 | |||||||
Ganilh, Charles | Inquiry into the various systems of political economy. By Charles Ganilh, advocate | New York, publish | 1812 | |||||||
Smith, Samuel Stanhope | Lectures on the subjects of moral and political philosophy, in two volumes | Trenton | 1812 | |||||||
Foote, Samuel | Liar, a farce in three acts | New York, Longwo | 1812 | |||||||
Cellini, Benvenuto | Life of a Florentine artist. Written by himself, trans. by Thomas Nugent | Philadelphia, publi | 1812 | |||||||
Johnson, Samuel | Lives of Eminent Characters | New York | 1812 | |||||||
Benger, Elizabeth Ogilvy | Marian, a novel | Philadelphia, publi | 1812 | rare | ||||||
Chateaubriand, Francois A.R. | Martyrs; or Triumph of the Christian religion | New York, publish | 1812 | |||||||
Whitefield, George | Memoirs of the life and character of the late Rev.George Whitfield, compiled by John Gillies, additional notes by Aaron Seymour | Philadelphia | 1812 | |||||||
Lee, Henry | Memoirs of the war in the southern department of the United States | Philadelphia, Bradf | 1812 | |||||||
Newton, John | Messiah: fifty expository discourses ...oratorio of Handel | Philadelphia | 1812 | |||||||
Newton, John | Olney Hymns | Philadelphia | 1812 | |||||||
Percy, Thomas | Reliques of Ancient English Poetry, fifth ed. | London | 1812 | |||||||
Mellish, John | Travels in the United States of America, in the years 1806 and 1807 and 1809, 1810 & 1811. An Account of Passages between America and Britain and Travels Throughout various parts of Great Britain, Ireland and Upper Canada | Philadelphia | 1812 | maps | ||||||
Buchanan, Claudius | Works of the Rev. Claudius Buchanan, LLD | New York, publish | 1812 | |||||||
* Emporium of the Arts and Sciences, First Series | Philadelphia | 1812 | ||||||||
Resources of Russia | ; in the event of a war with France, 2nd. ed. | Boston | 1813 | |||||||
Morton, Thomas | A cure for the heart ache | New York, Longwo | 1813 | |||||||
Bolingbroke, Henry | A voyage to the Demerary, containing a statistical account of the settlements there and of those on the Essequebo, the Berbice, and other contiguous rivers of Guyana. By Henry Bolingbroke, Esq. Of Norwich, Deputy Vendue Master at Surinam | Philadelphia, M, C | 1813 | |||||||
Burton, R. | Anatomy of a Melancholy | London | 1813 | |||||||
Buchanan, Claudius | Christian Researches in Asia | Philadelphia, Brow | 1813 | |||||||
Foote, Samuel | Commissary; a comedy in three acts, bound with The lame lover. | New York, Longwo | 1813 | |||||||
Lavoisier, Antoine L | Elements of chemistry, in a new systematic order, containing all the modern discoveries | Philadelphia, print | 1813 | |||||||
Phillips, Charles | Emerald isle: a poem embellished with a full length portrait of Brian, King of Ireland | New York, publish | 1813 | |||||||
Kinneir, John MacDonald | Geographical Memoir of the Persian Empire | London | 1813 | no map | ||||||
Smith, James and Horace | Horace in London | Boston | 1813 | |||||||
Sargent, Lucius M. | Hubert and Ellen, with other Poems | Boston | 1813 | |||||||
General Collection of Voyages and travels | in twenty-eight vols. | London | 1813 | |||||||
Stael-Holstein, Anne Louise G. Necker, Baroness de | Influence of literature upon society to which is prefixed a memoir of the life and writings of the author | Boston, published by W. Wells and T. B. Wait, sold by them and by C. Williams, and M. Thomas |
1813 | |||||||
Boyd, Hugh | Junius, Letters by which is added his confidential correspondence with Mr. Wilkers and his private letters addressed to Mr. Woodfall | Philadelphia | 1813 | |||||||
Foote, Samuel | Lame lover; a comedy in three acts, bound with The Commisary | New York, Longwo | 1813 | |||||||
Williams, Charles Verulam | Life and Administration of ... Spencer Percival ...detail of his assassination | Philadelphia | 1813 | |||||||
Blomfield, E., Rev. | Life of Jesus Christ | Bungay | 1813 | |||||||
McCrie, Thomas | Life of John Knox containing illustrations of the history of the reformation in Scotland | New York, publish | 1813 | |||||||
Waterman, Elijah, Rev. | Memoirs and Life of John Calvin | Hartford | 1813 | |||||||
Lewis, Matthew Gregory | One o’clock or, The knight and the wood-daemon: a grand musical romance in three acts | New York, Longwo | 1813 | |||||||
Cottage Sketches | or, Active Retirement by the author of an antidote to the miseries of human life, talents improved, 2 vols. in 1 | Boston, published | 1813 | |||||||
Crowther, Jonathan | Portraiture of Methodism, or the history of the Wesleyan Methodists | New York, publish | 1813 | |||||||
Newton, John | Posthumous works | Philadelphia | 1813 | |||||||
Genlis, Stephanie Felicite du Crest de St. Aubin, Comtesse de, afterwards marquise de Sillery | Sainclair and Hortense, trans. by Archibald Haralson | Georgetown, D of | 1813 | |||||||
Kames, Henry Home, Lord | Sketches of the history of man, by Henry Home of Kames, new ed. in three vols. | Edinburgh | 1813 | |||||||
O'Keefe, John | The highland reel: a comic opera in three acts. First published in Boston, 1797, and in London, 1798 | New York, Longworth's stage, v. 39 |
1813 | |||||||
Meikle, James | Traveller; or, meditations on various subjects | New York | 1813 | |||||||
Swinburne, Henry | Travels in the two Sicilies in the years 1777, 1778, 1779 and 1780 | Dublin, printed for | 1813 | |||||||
Buch, Leopold von | Travels through Norway and Lapland | London | 1813 | maps | ||||||
Heriot, George | Travels through the Canadas, containing a description of the picturesque scenery on some of the rivers and lakes | Philadelphia, publi | 1813 | |||||||
Kimpton, Edward, Rev. | Universal History of the Holy Bible, in four vols., first Am ed. | Trenton | 1813 | |||||||
Krusenstern, A.J. von | Voyage Round the World in the years 1803, 1804, 1805, and 1806, 2 vols. in 1 | London | 1813 | map | ||||||
Son of a genius | ; a tale for the use of youth | New York | 1814 | |||||||
Elkington, Joseph | Account of the mode of draining land | London | 1814 | |||||||
LeSage | Adventures of Gil Blas of Santillane, translated by Tobias Smollett | New York | 1814 | rare | ||||||
Alden, Timothy, Rev. | Collection of American epitaphs and inscriptions with occasional notes | New York, S. Mar | 1814 | |||||||
Henry, William | Elements of Experimental Chemistry, 3rd Am. ed. from 6th English ed. | Boston | 1814 | illus. | ||||||
Arrian | History of Alexander's Expedition, in 2 vols. | London | 1814 | |||||||
Gillies, John | History of ancient Greece, its colonies and conquests; from the earliest accounts until the division of the Macedonian empire in the East, including the history of literature, philosophy and the fine arts | New York, R. M. | 1814 | |||||||
Baker, George | History of Rome by Titus Livius, translated by George Baker, second ed., corrected, in 6 vols. | London | 1814 | |||||||
Reeves, John | History of the English Law | London | 1814 | |||||||
Newton, John | Letters of a wife | Philadelphia | 1814 | |||||||
Wilson, James | Letters to the Rev. Ezra Stiles Ely | Boston | 1814 | |||||||
Laverne, L.M.P. de | Life of Field Marshall Souvarof, trans. from the French | Baltimore | 1814 | |||||||
Clarkson, Thomas | Memoirs of the private and public life of William Penn | Philadelphia, Bradf | 1814 | |||||||
Porter, Robert Ker | Narrative of the Campaign in Russia during the year 1812 | Baltimore | 1814 | |||||||
Clark, Thomas | Naval History of the United States | Philadelphia | 1814 | |||||||
Birkbeck, Maurice | Notes on a Journey through France | London | 1814 | |||||||
Morgan, Sydney | O'Donnel, A national tale by Lady Morgan, 3 vols. in 2 | New York, printed | 1814 | |||||||
American Artist’s Manual | Or, Dictionary of practical knowledge in the application of philosophy to the arts and manufactures, by James Cutbush | Philadelphia, Pub. | 1814 | |||||||
Edgeworth, Maria | Patronage, by Maria Edgeworth | Philadelphia, publi | 1814 | |||||||
* Historical Register of the United States | T.H. Palmer, ed. | 1814 | ||||||||
Clarke, Francis, L. | The life of the most noble Arthur, Marquis and Earl of Wellington | New York, Van Wi | 1814 | |||||||
Iwanowna | ; or the maid of Moscow, a novel | Philadelphia | 1815 | |||||||
More, Hannah | Essay on ... Saint Paul, 2 vols. in 1 | Boston | 1815 | |||||||
Kames, Henry Home, Lord | Gentleman Farmer, being an attempt to improve Agriculture | Edinburgh | 1815 | |||||||
Bigland, John | History of England from the earliest period, to the close of the year 1812 | Boston | 1815 | |||||||
Sarrazin, General | History of the War in Spain and Portugal | Philadelphia | 1815 | |||||||
Porter, David | Journal of a cruise made to the Pacific Ocean, by Captain David Porter in the years 1812, 1813, and 1814 | Philadelphia | 1815 | illus. | ||||||
Park, Mungo | Journal of a mission to the interior of Africa ... 1805 | Philadelphia | 1815 | map, col. | ||||||
Blair, Hugh | Lectures on rhetoric and belles lettres, 6th. American ed. from the last Edinburgh ed. | New York | 1815 | |||||||
Scott, Sir Walter | Lord of the Isles, a poem | Philadelphia | 1815 | |||||||
Surr, Thomas Skinner | Magic of Wealth | Philadelphia | 1815 | |||||||
Philippart, John | Memoirs and campaigns of Charles John, Prince Royal of Sweden | Baltimore | 1815 | |||||||
Mayo, Robert | New System of Mythology, ... account of the idolatry of the pagan world | Philadelphia | 1815 | |||||||
Shepherd, William | Paris, in 1802 and 1814 | Philadelphia | 1815 | |||||||
Hogg, James | Pilgrims of the Sun, a poem | Philadelphia | 1815 | |||||||
Hogg, James | Queens's Wake; a legendary poem | Baltimore | 1815 | |||||||
Southey, Robert | Roderick, the last of the Goths, a tragic poem | Philadelphia | 1815 | |||||||
Hayley, William | Triumphs of Temper, a poem. In six cantos. By William Hayley, Esq. | Printed by John M | 1815 | |||||||
Journal of a tour and residence in Great Britain by a French Traveller | New York | 1815 | ||||||||
Pierpont, John | Airs of Palestine, a poem | Baltimore | 1816 | |||||||
Eustace, John Chetwode | Classical Tour through Italy | Philadelphia | 1816 | |||||||
Cunningham, J.W. | De Rance, a poem | New York | 1816 | |||||||
Cleaveland, Parker | Elementary treatise on mineralogy and geology | Boston | 1816 | map, plates | ||||||
Kames, Henry Home, Lord | Elements of Criticism, 2nd Am. ed. | Philadelphia | 1816 | |||||||
Hofland, Mrs. | Father as He Should Be | Philadelphia | 1816 | |||||||
Brown, William | History of Missions | Philadelphia | 1816 | |||||||
Glenarvon | in two vols. | Philadelphia | 1816 | |||||||
Morier, James, Esq. | Journey Through Persia, Armenia, and Asia Minor, to Constantinople, in the years 1808 and 1809 | Philadelphia, M. Carey & Son |
1816 | engravings | ||||||
White, Joshua E. | Letters on England | Philadelphia | 1816 | |||||||
Hobhouse, J.C. | Letters written by an Englishman resident at Paris | Philadelphia | 1816 | |||||||
Aikin, Lucy | Lorimer | Philadelphia | 1816 | |||||||
Philippart, John | Memoirs of General Moreau ... seige of Kehl | Philadelphia | 1816 | map | ||||||
Williams, Helen Maria | Narrative of the events ... in France, from the landing of Napoleon Bonaparte, ... till the restoration of Louis XVIII | Philadelphia | 1816 | |||||||
Scott, John | Paris Revisited in 1815 | Boston | 1816 | |||||||
Scott, Sir Walter | Paul's letters to his kinsfolk | Philadelphia | 1816 | |||||||
Pascal, Blaise | Provincial Letters, translated from the French | London | 1816 | |||||||
Chateaubriand, Francois A.R. | Recollections of Italy, England and America | Philadelphia. Publi | 1816 | |||||||
Mawe, John | Travels in the Interior of Brazil, particularly in the gold and diamond districts | Philadelphia | 1816 | illus. | ||||||
Ali Bey | Travels of Ali Bey in [Africa and Asia] ..., between the years 1803 and 1807 | Philadelphia, Care | 1816 | |||||||
Johnston, Robert | Travels through part of the Russian Empire and the Country of Poland | New York | 1816 | |||||||
Roche, Mrs. Regina Maria (Dalton) | Trecothick Bower; or the Lady of the West Country | Philadelphia | 1816 | |||||||
Salt, Henry | Voyage to Abyssinia | Philadelphia | 1816 | |||||||
* Annual Biography and Obituary | 1816 | |||||||||
Outline of the Revolution in Spanish America | by a South-American | New York | 1817 | |||||||
Melincourt | by the author of Headlong Hall | Philadelphia | 1817 | |||||||
Say, Jean-Baptiste | Catechism of Political Economy, trans. from the French | Philadelphia | 1817 | |||||||
Shakespeare, William | Dramatic Works | New York | 1817 | |||||||
Armata | Fragment, second ed. | New York | 1817 | |||||||
Coote, Charles | History of Modern Europe, from 1802 to 1815 | London | 1817 | |||||||
Owen, John | History of the ...British and Foreign Bible Society | New York | 1817 | |||||||
Hobhouse, J.C. | Journey through Albania | Philadelphia | 1817 | |||||||
Northcote, James | Memoirs of Sir Joshua Reynolds | Philadelphia | 1817 | |||||||
Legh, Thomas | Narrative of a Journey in Egypt | Philadelphia | 1817 | |||||||
Adams, Robert | Narrative of Shipwrick on Coast of Africa in the year 1810 | Boston | 1817 | |||||||
* American Register | Or, Summary review of history, politics and literature | Philadelphia, Dods | 1817 | |||||||
Chalmers, Thomas | Series of Discourses on the Christian Revelation | New York | 1817 | |||||||
Hamilton, Elizabeth | Series of popular essays | Boston | 1817 | |||||||
Pitt, William | Speeches of ... William Pitt | London | 1817 | |||||||
Phillips, Charles | Speeches, in Ireland and England | New York | 1817 | |||||||
Scott, Sir Walter | Tales of my landlord, collected and arranged by Jedediah Cleishbotham | Philadelphia | 1817 | |||||||
Memoirs of the Cardinal de Retz | trans. from the French | Philadelphia | 1817 | |||||||
Koster, Henry | Travels in Brazil | Philadelphia | 1817 | |||||||
Coelebs Deceived | Philadelphia | 1817 | ||||||||
Sketch of the military and political power of Russia in the year 1817 | New York | 1817 | ||||||||
Watson, Richard | Anecdotes of the Life of Richard Watson, Bishop of Landaff | Philadelphia | 1818 | |||||||
Hogg, James | Brownie of Bodsbeck and other tales | New York | 1818 | |||||||
Rambles in Italy | by an American | Baltimore | 1818 | |||||||
Stael-Holstein, Anne Louise G. Necker, Baroness de | Considerations on the principal events of the French Revolution | New York | 1818 | |||||||
Dubois, J.A. | Description of ... People of India and their Institutions | Philadelphia | 1818 | |||||||
Cuvier, M. | Essay on the Theory of the Earth | New York | 1818 | |||||||
Hunt, Leigh | Foliage, or poems original and translated | Philadelphia | 1818 | |||||||
Brown, Thomas | Fudge Family in Paris | New York | 1818 | |||||||
Hobhouse, J.C. | Historical Illustrations of ... Childe Harold | New York | 1818 | |||||||
Ellis, Henry | Journal ... Late Embassy to China | Philadelphia | 1818 | map | ||||||
Raffles, Thomas | Letters .. France, Savoy, Switzerland, Germany, and the Netherlands | New York | 1818 | |||||||
Middleton, Conyers | Life of Marcus Tullius Cicero | Boston | 1818 | |||||||
Tuckey, Captain J.K. | Narrative of an expedition to explore the River Zaire, usually called the Congo, in South Africa, in1816 | New York | 1818 | |||||||
Young, Edward | Night Thoughts on Life Death and Immorality | New York | 1818 | |||||||
Barrington, D. | Possibility of Approaching the North Pole Asserted | New York | 1818 | |||||||
Adam, Robert | Religious World Displayed; Or, a view of the four grand systems of religion | Philadelphia | 1818 | |||||||
Forsyth, Joseph | Remarks on Antiquities, Arts, and Letters ... Italy in the years 1802 and 1803 | Boston | 1818 | |||||||
Bristed, John | Resources of the U.S. | New York | 1818 | |||||||
Morier, James, Esq. | Second Journey through Persia, Amenia, and Asia Minor to Constantinople ... 1810 and 1812 | London | 1818 | maps, col. plates | ||||||
Murphy, Edward | Select Dialogues of Lucian | New York | 1818 | |||||||
Thomson, Thomas | System of Chemistry, in four volumes | Philadelphia | 1818 | |||||||
Gisborne, Thomas | Testimony of Natural Theology to Christianity | Philadelphia | 1818 | |||||||
Chateaubriand, Francois A.R. | Travels in Greece, Palestine, Egypt and Barbary, during the years 1806 and 1807 | Philadelphia, published by Moses Thomas |
1818 | 1 copy signed by Edward Stabler | ||||||
Latrobe, C.I., Rev. | Visit to South Africa in 1815 and 1816 | New York | 1818 | |||||||
Hall, Basil | Voyage of Discovery to the west coast of Corea and Great Loo-Choo Island; interview with Bonaparte | Philadelphia | 1818 | charts | ||||||
Phillip, Arthur | Voyage of Governor Phillip to Botany Bay, 3rd ed. | London | 1818 | illus. | ||||||
Saint Patrick | : a national tale of the fifth century, in three volumes | Edinburgh | 1819 | |||||||
Coraly | ; in three vols. | London | 1819 | |||||||
Campbell | ; or, the Scottish Probationer, in two vols. | New York | 1819 | |||||||
Walsh, Robert | Appeal from the Judgments of Great Britain ... United States of America. merits and wrongs as colonies | Philadelphia | 1819 | |||||||
Morgan, Sydney | Florence Macarthy, an Irish Tale | New York | 1819 | |||||||
Atall, Peter, ed. | Hermit in America on a Visit to Philadelphia | Philadelphia | 1819 | |||||||
Kinlow | Letters from Geneva and France ...addressed to a Lady in Virginia by her Father | Boston | 1819 | |||||||
Llewellen | or, the vale of Phlinlimmon, a novel | Philadelphia | 1819 | |||||||
Bonnycastle, R.H. | Spanish America: or a descriptive, historical, and geographical account of the Dominions of Spain ... | Philadelphia, Smal | 1819 | col. ill.of altitudes; map | ||||||
Hoole, John | Stories by John Hoole, the original work in forty-six books | London, printed for | 1819 | |||||||
Crabbe, George | Tales of the hall | Boston | 1819 | |||||||
Noah, Mordecai M. | Travels in England, France, Spain, and the Barbary States | New York | 1819 | ill. | ||||||
Smith, John, Captaine | True Travels (1593-1629) and General Historie of Virginia, New-England, and the Summer Iles, from the London edition of 1629 | Richmond | 1819 | |||||||
Prior, &c. | Works of British Poets, by Ezekial Sanford, v.15 | Philadelphia | 1819 | |||||||
Spenser, &c. | Works of British Poets, by Ezekial Sanford, v.2 | Philadelphia | 1819 | |||||||
Drummond, &c. | Works of British Poets, by Ezekial Sanford, v.5 | Philadelphia | 1819 | |||||||
Pope, Alexander | Works, in three vols. | Philadelphia | 1819 | |||||||
Crowley, etc. | Philadelphia | 1819 | ||||||||
Constitutional Law | comprizing the declaration of independence ... constitutions of the several states | Washington | 1820 | |||||||
Goldsmith, Oliver | Essays and The Bee, British Prose Writers ed., vol. 3 | Boston | 1820 | |||||||
Conversations on Natural Philosophy | Familiarly explained | New York | 1820 | |||||||
Kotzebue, Moritz von | Journey into Persia | Philadelphia | 1820 | |||||||
Gray, Thomas | Letters from the Walpole and Mason Collections, vol.1 | 1820 | ||||||||
Burns, Robert | Letters, 2 vols. in 1 | 1820 | ||||||||
Southey, Robert | Life of Wesley; and the rise and progress of Methodism | New York | 1820 | |||||||
Coxe, William | Memoirs of John Duke of Marlborough, in six vols. | London | 1820 | |||||||
De Rocca, M. | Memoirs on the War of the French in Spain | Philadelphia | 1820 | |||||||
Paulding, James Kirke | Opinions | New York | 1820 | |||||||
Anastasius | Or, Memoirs of a Greek: Written at the Close of the Eighteenth Century, 3 vols. in 2 | New York, C.S. V | 1820 | |||||||
Lockhart, J.G. | Peter's Letters to his kinsfolk, 2nd Am. ed. | New York | 1820 | |||||||
Brewer, J.N. | Picture of England | London | 1820 | |||||||
Irving, Washington | Salmagundi; or the Whim Whams and Opinions of Launcelot Longstaff | New York | 1820 | |||||||
Hermit in London | Sketches of English Manners | Philadelphia | 1820 | |||||||
Short Tour between Hartford and Quebec in the autumn of 1810 | New Haven | 1820 | ||||||||
Morgan, Sydney | Italy | New York | 1821 | |||||||
Scott, Sir Walter | Kenilworth | Philadelphia | 1821 | |||||||
Aikin, Lucy | Memoirs of the Court of Queen Elizabeth | Boston | 1821 | |||||||
Tomline, George | Memoirs of the Life of William Pitt | Philadelphia | 1821 | |||||||
Holderness, Mary | Notes ... Manners and Customs of the Crim Tatars | London | 1821 | |||||||
Agilrie, John | Poems on several subjects | Dublin, printed for | 1821 | |||||||
Berrian, William | Travels in France and Italy in 1817 and 1818 | New York | 1821 | |||||||
Lollards | : a tale, founded on persecutions which marked the early part of the fifteenth century | New Yordk | 1822 | |||||||
Franklin's Letters to his Kinfolk | 1818-1820 | Philadelphia | 1822 | |||||||
Milman, H.H., Rev. | Belshazzar: a dramatic poem | Boston | 1822 | |||||||
Irving, Washington | Bracebridge Hall, by Geoffrey Crayon, gent. | New York | 1822 | |||||||
Goede, Christian Augustus Gottlieb | Foreigner's Opinion of England, Englishmen, Englishwomen ... | Boston | 1822 | |||||||
Pen Owen | in two volumes | New York | 1822 | |||||||
Chalmers, George | Life of Mary, Queen of Scots, in 2 vols. | Philadelphia | 1822 | |||||||
Aikin, Lucy | Memoirs of the Court of King James the First | Boston | 1822 | |||||||
O'Meara, Barry E. | Napoleon in Exile; or, Voice from St. Helena | Philadelphia | 1822 | |||||||
Sedgwick, Catharine Maria | New England Tale | New York | 1822 | |||||||
Percy, Sholto and Reuben | Percy Anecdotes, original and select | London, printed for | 1822 | |||||||
Scott, Sir Walter | Pirate | Philadelphia | 1822 | |||||||
Tappan, William B. | Poems | Philadelphia | 1822 | |||||||
Nodier, Charles | Promenade from Dieppe to the montains of Scotland | Edinburgh | 1822 | |||||||
Galt, John | Sir Andrew Wylie, of that ilk, a novel | New York | 1822 | |||||||
Dwight, Timothy | Travels; in New England and New York | New Haven | 1822 | |||||||
L... Family in Washington | Washington | 1822 | ||||||||
Provost | New York | 1822 | ||||||||
Judson, Ann H. | American Baptist Mission ... Burmah Empire | Washington City | 1823 | |||||||
White, John | History of a voyage to the China Sea | Boston | 1823 | map, illus. | ||||||
Watts, Isaac | Improvement of the mind. By Isaac Watts, D.D. with corrections, questions and supplement by Joseph Emerson | Boston, J. Loring | 1823 | |||||||
De Las Cases, Count | Journal of the Private Life ... Emperor Napoleon at Saint Helena | Philadelphia | 1823 | |||||||
English, George Bethune | Narrative of the expedition to Dongola and Sunnaar, ...viceroy of Egypt | Boston | 1823 | map | ||||||
Neuman, Henry | New Dictionary of the Spanish and English Languages: v.1 Spanish and English; v.2 Ingles y Espanol | Philadelphia | 1823 | |||||||
Scott, Sir Walter | Quentin Durward | Philadelphia | 1823 | |||||||
Murray, Lindley | The power of religion on the mind, in retirement, affliction, and at the approach of death | 1823 | ||||||||
Seventy-Six | two volumes | Baltimore and Frederick, Md. |
1823 | |||||||
Sayings and Doings | ; or Sketches from Life | Philadelphia | 1824 | |||||||
Hajji Baba | Adventures of Hajji Baba of Isphahan, in England | Philadelphia | 1824 | |||||||
Journal of a tour in Italy, in the year 1821 | by an American | New York | 1824 | |||||||
Hall, Basil | Extracts from a journal ... Chili, Peru, and Mexico | Philadelphia | 1824 | |||||||
Medwin, Thomas | Journal of the Conversations of Lord Byron | New York | 1824 | |||||||
Austin, Arthur | Lights and Shadows of Scottish Life, A Selection from the papers of the late Arthur Austin | New York, Solomo | 1824 | |||||||
Notes on Mexico | made in the autumn of 1822, by a citizen of the United States | Philadelphia | 1824 | |||||||
Cochrane, John Dundas | Narrative of a pedestrian journey through Russia and Siberian Tartary, ... Frontiers of China ...Kamtchatka | Philadelphia | 1824 | |||||||
Cowper, William | Private Correspondence, first American ed. | Philadelphia | 1824 | |||||||
Addison, Joseph | Spectator | Philadelphia, Criss | 1824 | |||||||
Scott, Sir Walter | St. Ronan's Well | Philadelphia | 1824 | |||||||
Bouilly, J.N. | Tales for Mothers, trans. from the French | London | 1824 | |||||||
Josephus, Flavius | Works, trans. by William Whiston | New York | 1824 | |||||||
History of Matthew Wald | New York | 1824 | ||||||||
Recollections of the Peninsula | Philadelphia | 1824 | ||||||||
Babylon the Great | : a dissection and demonstration of men and things in the British Capital, in vols. | Philadelphia | 1825 | |||||||
Sketches of India | : written by an officer for Fire-side Travellers at home, 3rd ed. | London | 1825 | |||||||
Sayings and Doings | ; or Sketches from Life, Second series | Philadelphia | 1825 | |||||||
* American Mechanics’ Magazine | containing useful original matter, on subjects connected with manufactures, the arts and sciences | New York, James | 1825 | |||||||
Cervantes Saavedra, Miguel de | Don Quijote de la Mancha (Spanish) | Paris | 1825 | |||||||
Locke, John | Essay concerning human understanding, in two volumes | New York, printed | 1825 | |||||||
Smith, Horace | Gaieties and Gravities; Series of essays, in two vols. | Philadelphia | 1825 | |||||||
Grattan, T.C. | High-ways and By-ways, or Tales of the Roadside, ...French provinces | Philadelphia | 1825 | |||||||
Euler | Letters of Euler on different subjects in natural philosphy in two vols. (Harper's Family Library; LVI) | New York | 1825 | |||||||
Cooper, James Fenimore | Lionel Lincoln | New York | 1825 | |||||||
Scott, Sir Walter | Lives of the novelists | Philadelphia | 1825 | |||||||
Quincy, Josiah | Memoir of the Life of Josiah Quincy Jun., by his son Josiah Quincy | Boston, Cumming | 1825 | |||||||
Lee, Richard H. Lee | Memoir of the Life of Richard Henry Lee, by his grandson, Richard H. Lee | Philadelphia | 1825 | |||||||
Owen, Robert | New View of Society, First American from Third London ed. | New York | 1825 | |||||||
Byron, Lord | Poetical Works of Lord Byron | Philadelphia | 1825 | inscription, 1862 | ||||||
Murgatroyd, Matthew | Refugee, a romance | New York | 1825 | |||||||
Galt, John | Rothelan: a romance of English histories | New York | 1825 | |||||||
Scenes and impressions in Egypt and in Italy | second ed. | London | 1825 | |||||||
Gleig, G.R. | Subaltern | New York | 1825 | |||||||
Abernethy, John | Surgical and Physiological Works | from the sixth Lon | 1825 | |||||||
Beauties of the British Classics | : containing the best selections of entertaining and instructive essays, in 2 vols. | 1826 | ||||||||
Northern Traveller | ; contining the routes to Niagara, Quebec, and the Springs | New York | 1826 | |||||||
Smith, Horace | Brambletye House; or, Cavaliers and Roundheads, in three vols. | Boston, Wells and Lilly |
1826 | |||||||
Taylor, Jane | Contributions of Q.Q. to a periodical work, in two volumes | New York | 1826 | |||||||
Diary of an Ennuyee | from the London ed. | Philadelphia | 1826 | |||||||
Tone, Theobald Wolfe | Life of Theobald Wolfe Tone, founder of the United Irish Society | Washington | 1826 | |||||||
Denham, Dixon, Major | Narrative of Travels and Discoveries in Northern and Central Africa ... Denham and Clapperton | Boston | 1826 | map | ||||||
Coffin, Robert S. | Oriental Harp: Poems of the Boston Bard | Providence, RI | 1826 | |||||||
Emerson, James | Picture of Greece in 1825, by James Emerson, Esq., Count Pecchio | New York | 1826 | |||||||
Flint, Timothy | Recollections of the last ten years ... valley of the Mississippi | Boston | 1826 | |||||||
Shaler, William | Sketches of Algiers, political, historical. and civil | Boston | 1826 | |||||||
Scott, Sir Walter | Woodstock | Philadelphia | 1826 | |||||||
Six months in the West Indies in 1825 | New York | 1826 | ||||||||
Living and the Dead | by a Country Curate | New York | 1827 | |||||||
Scott, Sir Walter | Chronicles of the Canongate, in two vols. | Philadelphia | 1827 | |||||||
Williston, E.B. | Eloquence [in] The United States | Middleton, Conn., printed by Alsop and Alsop |
1827 | |||||||
Rome in the Nineteenth Century | First American, from Fourth Edinburgh ed. | New York | 1827 | |||||||
History of Modern Greece | from the London ed. | Boston | 1827 | |||||||
Lingard, John | History of England, First American ed., from the last London ed. | Philadelphia | 1827 | |||||||
Lingard, John | History of England, First American ed., from the last London ed. | Philadelphia | 1827 | |||||||
Keppel, George | Journey from India to England, ... in the year 1824 | Philadelphia | 1827 | |||||||
Riedesel, Madame de | Letters and Memoirs relating to the War of American Independence ... at Saratoga | New York | 1827 | |||||||
Carter, N.H. | Letters from Europe, comprising the Journal of a Tour ..., in 2 vols. | New York | 1827 | |||||||
Duane, Lt. | Notes on Colombia, taken in the years 1822-3 | Philadelphia | 1827 | |||||||
Von Minutoli, Baroness | Recollections of Egypt | Philadelphia | 1827 | |||||||
Calhoun, John C. | Report ... on a letter of John C. Calhoun, Rep. no. 79, 19th Congress, 2d Session | Washington | 1827 | |||||||
View of South America and Mexico | two vols. in one | Montreal | 1827 | bookplate of John Berryman | ||||||
Hall, Basil | Voyage to the Eastern Seas in the year 1816 | New York | 1827 | |||||||
Boyer's French Dictionary | Boston | 1827 | ||||||||
Ramble in Germany | Boston | 1827 | ||||||||
Yes and No | : tale of the day, 2 vols. in 1 | Philadelphia | 1828 | |||||||
Notions of the Americans | ; picked up by a travelling bachelor | Philadelphia | 1828 | |||||||
Clubs of London | ; with anecdotes ... and conversations, in 2 vols. | London | 1828 | |||||||
Hajji Baba | Adventures of Hajji Baba of Isphahan, in England | New York | 1828 | |||||||
Godman, John D. | American Natural History | Philadelphia | 1828 | |||||||
Rollin, Charles | Ancient history of the Egyptians, etc. | New York | 1828 | |||||||
Hunt, Leigh | Lord Byron and some of his contemporaries | Philadelphia | 1828 | |||||||
Heber, Reginald | Narrative of a journey ...Upper Provinces of India and ...Madras tnd the Southern Provinces | Philadelphia | 1828 | map | ||||||
Gilmer, Francis Walker | Sketches, Essays and Translations | Baltimore | 1828 | |||||||
Life and adventures of Arthur Clenning | Philadelphia | 1828 | ||||||||
Sketches of Persia | Philadelphia | 1828 | ||||||||
Life in India | : or, the English at Calcutta | New York | 1829 | |||||||
Sketches of Naval Life | ; ... in a series of letters from the Brandywine and Constitution frigates | New Haven | 1829 | illus. | ||||||
Scott, Sir Walter | Anne of Geierstein | New York | 1829 | |||||||
Pilkington, Matthew | General Dictionary of Painters, in two volumes | London | 1829 | |||||||
Clapperton, Commander | Journal of a second expedition into the interior of Africa | Philadelphia, Care | 1829 | map | ||||||
Sherwood, Mary Martha | Lady of the Manor; being a series of conversations on the Subject of Confirmation | Philadelphia,
Towar, J. & D. M. Hogan (Hogan & Co.), |
1829 | |||||||
Croker, T. Crofton | Legends of the Lakes, or sayings and doings at Killarney | London | 1829 | |||||||
Irving, Washington | Life and Voyages of Christopher Columbus, abridged | New York | 1829 | |||||||
Knowles, James D. | Memoirs of Mrs. Ann H. Judson, Late Missionary to Burmah | Boston | 1829 | map | ||||||
Stephanini, J. | Personal Narrative of the sufferings of J. Stephanini | New York | 1829 | |||||||
Gleig, G.R. | Subaltern's Log-Book | New York | 1829 | |||||||
Hall, Basil | Travels in North America, in the years 1827 and 1828 | Philadelphia | 1829 | |||||||
Josephus, Flavius | Works, trans. by William Whiston | Philadelphia | 1829 | |||||||
MacKenzie, A.S. | Year in Spain, by a young American | Boston | 1829 | |||||||
MacFarlane, Charles | Armenians, a tale of Constantinople | Philadelphia | 1830 | |||||||
French, B.F. | Beauties of Sir Walter Scott, and Thomas Moore, Esquire | Philadelphia | 1830 | |||||||
MacKintosh, James | Cabinet History of England, Scotland, and Ireland: Scotland, Vols. 1,2 | Philadelphia | 1830 | |||||||
Sporschil, John | Complete Dictionary of the English and German languages | London | 1830 | |||||||
Emmons, Richard | Fredoniad; Independence Preserved, an epic poem | Philadelphia | 1830 | |||||||
Scott, Sir Walter | History of Scotland | Philadelphia | 1830 | |||||||
Robertson, William | History of the reign of Emperor Charles V, complete in one volume | New York | 1830 | |||||||
Jefferson, Thomas | Memoir, Correspondence, and Miscellanies of ... Thomas Jefferson. Ed. by Thos. Jefferson Randolph | Boston | 1830 | |||||||
Trueba, T. de | Romance of History: Spain, in two volumes | New York | 1830 | |||||||
Wood, W.W. | Sketches of China | Philadelphia | 1830 | |||||||
Scott, Sir Walter | Tales of a grandfather | Philadelphia | 1830 | |||||||
Scott, Sir Walter | Tales of my landlord | Boston | 1830 | |||||||
Madden, R.R. | Travels in Turkey, Egypt, Nubia, and Palestine | Philadelphia | 1830 | |||||||
Scott, Sir Walter | Waverly | Boston | 1830 | |||||||
Dutchman's Fireside | a tale | New York, Harper | 1831 | |||||||
Irving, Washington | Bracebridge Hall, by Geoffrey Crayon, gent. | Philadelphia | 1831 | |||||||
Agapida, Antonio | Conquest of Granada, in 2 vol. | Philadelphia | 1831 | |||||||
Leslie, Professor | Discovery and adventure the Polar seas and regions | New York | 1831 | map | ||||||
Fletcher, James | History of Poland, from the earliest period to the present time (Harper's Family Library; XXIV) | New York | 1831 | |||||||
Gleig, G.R. | History of the Bible, in two vols. | New York | 1831 | map | ||||||
Annals of the Peninsular Campaigns | In 3 vols. | Philadelphia, Care | 1831 | |||||||
Sherwood, Mary Martha | Lady of the Manor; being a series of conversations on the Subject of Confirmation | Philadelphia | 1831 | |||||||
Watson, Richard | Life of the Rev. John Wesley, first American Official edition, with notes by John Emory | New York | 1831 | |||||||
Scott, Sir Walter | Monastery | Boston | 1831 | |||||||
Jameson, Professor | Narrative of Discovery and Adventure in Africa | New York | 1831 | |||||||
Walsh, R. | Notices of Brazil in 1828 and 1829 | Boston | 1831 | ill. | ||||||
Poetical Works | of Rogers, Campbell, J. Montgomery, Lamb and Kirke White, complete in one vol. | Philadelphia | 1831 | |||||||
Massinger, Philip | Plays of Philip Massinger, adapted for family reading (Harper's Family Library. Dramatic Series; III) | New York | 1831 | |||||||
Sherwood, Mary Martha | Roxobel | New York | 1831 | |||||||
Irving, Washington | Sketch Book of Geoffrey Crayon, gent. | Philadelphia | 1831 | |||||||
Ocean | spiritually reviewed | London | 1831 | |||||||
Scott, Sir Walter | Tales of a grandfather | Philadelphia | 1831 | |||||||
Nettleton, Asahel | Village Hymns for Social Worship | New York | 1831 | |||||||
Stewart, C.S. | Visit to the South Seas | New York | 1831 | |||||||
Irving, Washington | Alhambra | Philadelphia | 1832 | |||||||
Lives and Voyages of early Navigators, Drake, Cavendish, and Dampier | and history of the Bucaniers (Harper's Family Library; XXX) | New York | 1832 | |||||||
History of British India | in three vols. (Harper's Family Library; [XLVII], XLVIII, XLVIX) | New York | 1832 | maps | ||||||
Thatcher, B.B. | Indian Biography: historical account ... individuals ...North American Natives | New York | 1832 | |||||||
Lander, Richard and John | Journal of an expedition to explore the course and termination of the Niger, in two vols. | New York | 1832 | map | ||||||
Irving, Washington | Knickerbocker's History of New York, seventh Am. ed. | Philadelphia | 1832 | |||||||
Jameson, Mrs. | Memoirs of Celebrated female soverigns, in two vols. (Harper's Family Library; XXXIV) | New York | 1832 | |||||||
Russell, Michael | Palestine, or the Holy Land | New York | 1832 | map | ||||||
Wood, Nicholas | Practical Treatise on Railroads, and interior communication in general ... at and subsequent to the Liverpool Contest | Philadelphia | 1832 | illus. | ||||||
Cooper, James Fenimore | Red Rover | Philadelphia | 1832 | |||||||
Irving, Washington | Tales of a Traveller, by Geoffrey Crayon, Gent. | Philadelphia | 1832 | |||||||
Hordynski, Joseph | History of the Late Polish revolution | Boston | 1833 | |||||||
Robbins, Archibald | Journal of the Brig Commerce ... Africa ... Wandering Arabs | Hartford | 1833 | maps | ||||||
Branch Book | Kingdom and Glory of the Branch, and Testament of the West | Baltimore | 1833 | |||||||
Walpole, Horace, Earl of Oxford | Letters of Horace Walpole, Earl of Orford, to Sir Horace Mann, in two vols. | New York | 1833 | |||||||
Rush, Richard | Memoranda of a residence at the Court of London | Philadelphia | 1833 | |||||||
Morrell, Abby Jane | Narrative of a voyage to the .. ocean ... | New York | 1833 | |||||||
Slade, Adolphus | Records of travels in Turkey, Greece, &c. ... with the Capitan Pasha, in two volumes | Philadelphia | 1833 | |||||||
Three Years in the Pacific | ; notices of Brazil, Chile, Bolivia, and Peru, by an officer of the United States Navy | Philadelphia | 1834 | |||||||
Mrs. Herbert and the Villagers | in two volumes | Dublin | 1834 | |||||||
Fisher, S.I. | Observations ...character and culture of the European vine ... | Philadelphia | 1834 | |||||||
Bulwar, E.L. | Pilgrims of the Rhine | New York | 1834 | |||||||
Brackenridge, H.M. | Recollections of People and Places in the West | Philadelphia | 1834 | |||||||
Stewart, C.S. | Sketches of Society in Great Britain and Ireland | Philadelphia | 1834 | |||||||
Puckler-Muskau, Hermann | Tutti Frutti, trans. from the German by Edmund Spencer | New York | 1834 | |||||||
Clinton Bradshaw | ; adventures of a lawyer | Philadelphia | 1835 | |||||||
Irving, Washington | Crayon Miscellany, no. 2 | Philadelphia | 1835 | |||||||
Koch, Christopher William | History of the Revolutions in Europe ..., 2 vols. in 1 | Middletown | 1835 | |||||||
Humboldt, Alexander von | Travels and researches, being a condensesd narrative by W. MacGillivray (Harper's Family Library; LIV) | New York | 1835 | |||||||
Hoffman | Winter in the West, by a New-Yorker | New York | 1835 | |||||||
Irving, Washington | Astoria, or anecdotes of an enterprise beyond the Rocky Mountains | Philadelphia | 1836 | |||||||
Diary of a Desennuyee | complete in one vol. | New York | 1836 | |||||||
Tytler, Patrick Fraser | Historical view of the Progress of discovery ... America (Harper's Family Library: LIII) | New York | 1836 | maps. illus. | ||||||
MacKenzie, A.S. | Spain Revisited | New York | 1836 | |||||||
Von Tietz, M. | St. Petersburgh, Constantinople, and Napoli di Romania, in 1833 and 1834 | New York | 1836 | |||||||
Burns, Robert | Works, ed. James Currie, Fifth Diamond Ed. | London | 1836 | |||||||
Incidents of Travel in Egypt, Arabia Petraea and the Holy Land | by an American | New York | 1837 | |||||||
Ward, R.P. | Fielding, or Society | Philadelphia | 1837 | |||||||
Buckland, William | Geology and Mineralogy | Philadelphia | 1837 | |||||||
Lee, Henry | Life of Napoleon Bonaparte | London | 1837 | |||||||
Herbert, H..W. | Cromwell, an historical novel | New York | 1838 | |||||||
Landon, Miss | Duty and Inclination: a novel in three vols. | Philadelphia | 1838 | |||||||
Thompson, Henry | Life of Hannah More | Philadelphia | 1838 | |||||||
Kennedy, John P. | Rob of the Bowl | Philadelphia | 1838 | |||||||
James, G.P.R. | Charles Tyrrell; or, the bitter blood | New York | 1839 | |||||||
Smith, E.G., Rev. | Mentor and the Fireside Review, Vol. I. Jan.-June | New York | 1839 | |||||||
Dickens, Charles | Nicholas Nickleby | Philadelphia | 1839 | |||||||
Burns, Robert | Works, ed. James Currie, life by John Lockhart, ... | New York | 1839 | |||||||
Bulwar, Lady Lytton | Budget of the Bubble Family, in 2 vols. | New York | 1840 | |||||||
Bancroft, George | History of the Colonization of the United States | Boston, Little and | 1840 | |||||||
Shuck, J. Lewis | Portfolio Chinensis: or ... authentic Chinese state papers | Macao | 1840 | inscribed by author to his uncle B.Bogan who donated this vol. | ||||||
Henshaw, J.P.K. | Theology for the People | Baltimore | 1840 | |||||||
Sophoclis Tragoedieae | (in Greek) | Lipsiae | 1841 | |||||||
Ainsworth's Dictionary, English and Latin, designed for the use of schools, by Thomas Morell | an abridgement | Philadelphia | 1841 | |||||||
Elements of Mythology | For the use of schools | Philadelphia | 1841 | |||||||
Dickens, Charles | Pic Nic Papers, by various hands | Philadelphia | 1841 | |||||||
Goodrich, S.G. | Pictorial Geography of the World | Boston, C. D. Stro | 1841 | |||||||
Landon, Miss | Poetical works of Miss Landon | Philadelphia | 1841 | |||||||
Gummere, John | Treatise on Surveying, Fourteenth ed. | Philadelphia, Kimb | 1841 | |||||||
Complete masterpiece of Aristotle | , ...secrets of nature in the generation of man ...the family physician ... remedies for the several distempers incident to the human body | New York | 1842 | |||||||
Report on the Sanitary Condition of the Labouring Population of Great Britain | from the Poor Law Commissioners | London | 1842 | illus. | ||||||
Russell, Michael | View of Ancient and Modern Egypt | New York | 1842 | map | ||||||
Smith, William, ed. | Dictionary of Greek and Roman Antiquities, First Am. Ed., with articles by Charles Anthon | New York | 1843 | |||||||
Matthews, John | Divine Purpose Displayed | Philadelphia | 1843 | |||||||
Cervantes Saavedra, Miguel de | Don Quixote de la Mancha | London | 1843 | |||||||
Florian, Jean Pierre Claris de | William Tell | Concord, N.H. | 1843 | |||||||
* Eclectic Museum | 1843 | |||||||||
Campbell, E.S.N. | Dictionary of the Military Science | London | 1844 | |||||||
Alison, Archibald | Essays | 1844 | ||||||||
Thucydides | Peloponnesian War, in Greek, 2 vols. in 1 | Lipsiae | 1844 | |||||||
Ellis, Mrs. | Look to the End: the Bennets Abroad | New York | 1845 | |||||||
Sue, Eugene | Mysteries of Paris. A Romance of the Rich and Poor | New York | 1845 | |||||||
Homerus | Odyssey, trans. by Alexander Pope | 1845 | ||||||||
Ouseley, Gideon | Old Christianity | Philadelphia | 1845 | |||||||
Sallust | Sallust's Jugurthine War and Conspiracy of Catiline, with English commentary, by Charles Anthon | New York | 1845 | autographed by Henry Janney | ||||||
* Foreign Quarterly Review | contains North British Review | American ed., Ne | 1846 | |||||||
Adams, John, Rev. | Lectiones selectae: or, Select Latin Lessons, fifteenth ed. | London | 1846 | |||||||
Headley, J.T. | Napolion and His Marshalls | New York | 1846 | |||||||
Carlyle, Thomas | Oliver Cromwell's Letters and Speeches | New Yrork | 1846 | |||||||
Moreau, Elise | Fille du Macon | Tours | 1847 | inscribed to Miss E.C. McKnight | ||||||
Robinson, Conway | Account of discoveries in the West until 1519 ... voyages .. Atlantic coast of North America | Richmond | 1848 | |||||||
Bulwar, E.L. | Harold, complete in two parts | New York | 1848 | |||||||
Abbott, Jacob | History of Alexander the Great | New York | 1848 | |||||||
Prescott, William H. | History of the Conquest of Mexico, eighth ed. | New York | 1848 | |||||||
Moore, Thomas | Irish Melodies | New York | 1848 | |||||||
Hervey, John, Lord | Memoirs of the Reign of George the Second | Philadelphia | 1848 | |||||||
Cuvier, Georges | Animal Kingdom, arranged according to its Organization | London | 1849 | engravings, col. | ||||||
Ranlett, William H. | Architect, a series of original designs, for domestic and ornamental cottages and villas ... adapted to the United States, Vol. II | New York | 1849 | |||||||
Cleaveland, N. | Flowers Personified, a translation of Grandville's "Les Fleurs Animees" | NewYork | 1849 | Col. engravings | ||||||
Thiers, M.A. | History of the Consulate and the Empire of France Under Napoleon | Philadelphia | 1849 | |||||||
Strickland, Agnes | Lives of the Queens of England, Vol. IV | Philadelphia | 1849 | |||||||
Harris, John | Man Primeval | Boston | 1849 | |||||||
Howitt, Mary | Poetical Works of Mary Howitt, Eliza Cook, and L.E.L. | Boston | 1849 | |||||||
Knight, Charles | Half Hours with the Best Authors | London | 1850 | |||||||
Headley, J.T. | Letters from the backwoods | New York | 1850 | |||||||
Macpherson, James | Poems of Ossian | Boston | 1850 | |||||||
Bell, Currier, pseud. | Shirley | New York | 1850 | |||||||
Lowrie, John C. | Two Years in Upper India | New York | 1850 | map | ||||||
De Quincey, Thomas | Caesars | Boston | 1851 | |||||||
Cornwall, Barry | English songs | Boston | 1851 | |||||||
* Art Journal | Illustrated Catalogue: The Industry of All Nations, 1851 | London | 1851 | |||||||
Smith, William, ed. | New Classical Dictionary of Greek and Roman Biography, Mythology, and Geography, revised by Charles Anthon | New York | 1851 | |||||||
Bryant, William C. | Picturesque Souvenir; letters of a traveller ... in Europe and America | New York, Putnam | 1851 | |||||||
Mitford, Mary | Recollections of a literary life | New York | 1851 | |||||||
Wortley, Lady Emmeline Stuart | Travels in the United States, etc. during 1849 and 1850 | New York | 1851 | |||||||
Milner, Thomas, Rev. | Gallery of Nature: pictorial and descriptive tour through creation | London | 1852 | plates | ||||||
Janney, Samuel M. | Life of William Penn | Philadelphia | 1852 | |||||||
Modern British Essayists | Lord Jeffrey | Philadelphia | 1852 | |||||||
Lynch, W.F. | Narrative of the United States' Expedition to the River Jordan | Philadelphia | 1852 | maps, illus. | ||||||
Sloan, Samuel | The Model Architect | Philadelphia, E. S. Jones & Co |
1852 | |||||||
* Democratic Review | 1852 | |||||||||
Dickens, Charles | Bleak House | New York | 1853 | |||||||
Eulogies on Calhoun, Clay, Webster | delivered in the Senate and House of Representatives | Washington | 1853 | |||||||
De Quincey, Thomas | Essays | Boston | 1853 | |||||||
De Quincey, Thomas | Essays on the Poets | Boston | 1853 | |||||||
Sitgreaves, Capt. L. | Expedition down the Zuni and Colorado Rivers | Washington, GPO | 1853 | illus. | ||||||
Carpenter, W.H. | History of Vermont | Philadelphia | 1853 | |||||||
Alcott, William A. | Lectures on Life and Health | Boston | 1853 | |||||||
Cook, Eliza | Poetical Works | Philadelphia | 1853 | |||||||
Doctrines and Discipline of the Methodist Episcopal Church | Cinncinnati | 1853 | ||||||||
Constitution of the United States of America | and other papers, and statistics, by W. Hickey, seventh ed. | Philadelphia | 1854 | |||||||
Allen, Julian | Autocrasy in Poland and Russia | New York, Wiley | 1854 | |||||||
Gibbon, Lardner | Exploration of the Valley of the Amazon, by Wm. Lewis Herndon and Lardner Gibbon; Part I by Lt. Herndon; Part II by Lardner Gibbon | Washington | 1854 | |||||||
Griswold, Rufus Wilmot | Female Poets of America | Philadelphia | 1854 | |||||||
Fern, Fanny | Fern Leaves from Fanny's Port-Folio | Auburn | 1854 | |||||||
Kane, Elisha Kent | Grinnell Expedition in Search of Sir John Franklin | New York | 1854 | |||||||
Guizot, F. | History of Civilization | New York | 1854 | |||||||
Abbott, Jacob | History of Cleopatra | New York | 1854 | col. engraving | ||||||
Wright, Thomas | History of Ireland | New York | 1854 | map, illus. | ||||||
Wood, Jeremiah | Life and Character of Rev. Elisha Yale | Albany | 1854 | |||||||
Punch | Our Honeymoon, and other comicalities, from "Punch" | New York | 1854 | |||||||
Smith, Alexander | Poems | Boston | 1854 | |||||||
De Gurowski, A. | Russia As It Is | New York | 1854 | |||||||
Silliman, Benjamin | Visit to Europe in 1851 | New York | 1854 | |||||||
Smyth, Warington W. | Year with the Turks | New York | 1854 | |||||||
Adventures of Henry Hudson | New York, Appleto | 1854 | ||||||||
Wines, E.C. | Commentaries on the Laws of the Ancient Hebrews | New York | 1855 | |||||||
Southworth, Emma D.E.N. | Deserted Wife | Philadelphia | 1855 | |||||||
Alison, Archibald | History of Europe, from the Fall of Napoleon to the Accession of Louis Napoleon | New York | 1855 | |||||||
Murray, Hugh | Pictorial History of the United States of America | Boston | 1855 | |||||||
Mr. Rutherford's children | New York | 1855 | ||||||||
Macaulay, T. Babington | Critical and Miscellaneous Essays | New York | 1856 | |||||||
Alison, Archibald | History of Europe, from the French Revolution in 1789 to the Restoration in 1815 | New York, in four v | 1856 | |||||||
Abbott, Jacob | History of Mary, Queen of Scots | New York | 1856 | |||||||
Bell, Currier, pseud. | Jane Eyre | New York | 1856 | |||||||
Murray, Amelia M. | Letters from the United States, Cuba and Canada | New York | 1856 | |||||||
De Quincey, Thomas | Memorials | Boston | 1856 | |||||||
Curzon, Robert | Monasteries of the East | New York | 1856 | |||||||
Abbott, Jacob | Rollo in Paris | Boston | 1856 | |||||||
Cooper, James Fenimore | Sea Tales v.1: Pilot | New York | 1856 | |||||||
Cooper, James Fenimore | Sea Tales v.4:Two Admirals | New York | 1856 | |||||||
Cooper, James Fenimore | Sea Tales v.5: Wing & wing | New York | 1856 | |||||||
Gummere, John | Treatise on Surveying, Sixteenth ed. | Philadelphia. Uriah | 1856 | |||||||
Scott, Sir Walter | Waverly Novels, in twelve volumes | Philadelphia | 1856 | |||||||
Browning, Elizabeth Barrett | Aurora Leigh | New York | 1857 | |||||||
Culbertson, M. Simpson | Darkness in the Flowery Land, or, religious notions and popular superstitions in North China | New York | 1857 | |||||||
Gaskell, E.C. | Life of Charlotte Bronte, in two vols. | New York | 1857 | |||||||
Buchanan, James | Modern Atheism | Boston | 1857 | |||||||
Donelan, John P. | My Trip to France | New York | 1857 | |||||||
Hood, Thomas | Poetical Works | Boston | 1857 | |||||||
Abbott, Jacob | Rollo in Geneva | Boston | 1857 | |||||||
Thornton, Henry | Family Prayers, ... and a family commentary upon the Sermon on the Mount, twenty-second edition | New York | 1858 | |||||||
Motley, John Lothrop | Rise of the Dutch Republic | New York | 1858 | |||||||
Briggs, Charles F. | Story of the Telegraph, and the Great Atlantic Cable | New York | 1858 | |||||||
Day Dawn in Africa | 1858 | |||||||||
Longfellow, Henry Wadwworth | Courtship of Miles Standish | Boston | 1859 | |||||||
Pardoe, Miss | Epidsodes of French History | New York | 1859 | |||||||
Tulloch, John | Leaders of the Reformation | Boston | 1859 | |||||||
Crawford, Mabel Sharman | Life in Tuscany | New York | 1859 | |||||||
Vidocq, Eugene Francois | Memoirs of Vidocq:The Principal Agent of the French Police | Philadelphia, George G. Evans |
1859 | |||||||
Griswold, Rufus Wilmot | Poets and Poetry of America | Philadelphia | 1859 | |||||||
Colton, Walter | Three years in California | New York | 1859 | |||||||
Williams, W. | Traveller’s and Tourist’s Guide through the United States, Canada, Etc. | Philadelphia, J. B. | 1859 | map | ||||||
Wharton, Francis | Treatise on Theism | Philadelphia | 1859 | |||||||
Everett, Edward | Life of George Washington | New York | 1860 | |||||||
Lamar, J.S. | Organon of Scripture | Philadelphia | 1860 | |||||||
Duyckinck, Evert A. | Poets of the Nineteenth Century | New York | 1860 | |||||||
Motley, John Lothrop | Rise of the Dutch Republic | New York | 1860 | |||||||
Ebony Idol | New York | 1860 | ||||||||
Hawthorne, Nathaniel | Our Old Home | Boston | 1863 | |||||||
Bulfinch, Thomas, ed. | Poetry of the Age of Fable | Boston | 1863 | |||||||
Kirkland, Mrs. C.M. | School-Girl's Garland, a selection of poetry | New York | 1864 | |||||||
Ritter, Carl | Comparative Geography, trans. for the use of schools and colleges by William L. Gage | Philadelphia | 1865 | |||||||
Newton, John | Letters and Sermons | Philadelphia | 1865 | |||||||
Percy, Thomas | Reliques of Ancient English Poetry, new ed. | London | 1865 | |||||||
Bennett, Emily T.B. | Song of the Rivers | New York | 1865 | |||||||
Tschudi, J.J. Von | Travels in Peru, trans. from the German by Thomasina Ross | New York | 1865 | |||||||
Haven, Joseph | Mental Philosophy | Boston | 1866 | |||||||
Campe, J.H. | Robinson the Younger, or the New Crusoe, trans. from the German | London | 1866 | |||||||
Abbott, Jacob | Rollo in Geneva | New York | 1866 | |||||||
Scott, Sir Walter | Waverly Novels, in twelve volumes | Philadelphia | 1866 | |||||||
Marteilhe, Jean | Huguenot Galley-Slave | New York | 1867 | |||||||
Moore, Thomas | Lalla Rookh | New York | 1867 | |||||||
* Our Boys and Girls | Oliver Optic's Magazine | Boston | 1867 | |||||||
Ouida | Strathmore, or Wrought by His Own Hand | Philadelphia | 1867 | |||||||
Fairies of Our Garden | Boston | 1867 | ||||||||
Smiles, Samuel | Brief Biographies | Boston | 1868 | |||||||
Davies, Charles | Elements of Geometry and Trigonometry | New York | 1868 | |||||||
Ring, Max | John Milton and his times | New York | 1868 | |||||||
Bellows, Henry W. | Old World in its New Face: Impressions of Europe in 1867-1868 | New York | 1868 | |||||||
Stowe, C.E. | Origin and History of the Books of the Bible | Hartford | 1868 | |||||||
Ballantyne, R.M. | Away in the Wilderness; or, Life Among the Red Indians and Fur-Traders of North America | Philadelphia, Port | 1869 | |||||||
Carlyle, Thomas | Critical and Miscellaneous Essays, in 6 vols. | London | 1869 | |||||||
Taine, H. | Italy: Rome and Naples | New York | 1869 | |||||||
* Appleton's Journal | New York | 1869 | ||||||||
Wentworth, May | Golden Dawn and other stories | New York | 1870 | |||||||
Reade, Charles | Put Yourself in His Place | New York | 1870 | |||||||
Alger, Horatio, Jr. | Rufus and Rose | Philadelphia | 1870 | |||||||
Reade, Charles | Griffith Gaunt | New York | 1871 | |||||||
Irving, Washington | Sketch Book of Geoffrey Crayon, gent., complete in one volume | 1871 | ||||||||
Youmans, Edward L. | Correlation and Conservation of Forces | New York | 1872 | |||||||
Collins, Wilkie | Poor Miss Finch | New York | 1872 | inscrib. Wm. P. McKnight | ||||||
Wharton, Grace and Philip | Queens of Society | London | 1872 | |||||||
Webster, Noah | American Dictionary of the English Language. Revised. | Springfield | 1874 | inscribed:Milton Schaeffer/Westminster/Md/Family Dictionary | ||||||
Boydell, John | Gallery of Illustrations for Shakespeare's dramatic works, based on an original idea from 1787 | Philadelphia, Geb | 1874 | engravings | ||||||
Library of Poetry and Song | with an introduction by William Cullen Bryant | New York | 1874 | |||||||
Collins, Wilkie | Alicia Warlock | Boston | 1875 | |||||||
Wister, Mrs. A.L. | Enchanting and Enchanted | Philadelphia | 1876 | |||||||
LeSage | Histoire de Gil Blas de Santillane | Paris | 1876 | |||||||
Collins, Wilkie | Law and the Lady | New York | 1876 | inscrib. Wm. P. McKnight | ||||||
Warfield, Catharine A. | Sea and Shore | Philadelphia | 1876 | |||||||
Collins, Wilkie | Two Destines | New York | 1876 | inscrib. Wm. P. McKnight | ||||||
King, Clarence | U.S. Geological Exploration of the Fortieth Parallel, Clarence King, geologist-in-charge. | Washington, GPO | 1877 | illus. | ||||||
Jevons, W. Stanley | Logic (Science Primers) | New York | 1878 | |||||||
Hundred Greatest Men | Portraits of the one hundred greatest men of history | Longon, printed by | 1879 | |||||||
Library Magazine | of select foreign literature | New York | 1880 | |||||||
Cruikshank, George | Three Courses and a Dessert | London | 1881 | |||||||
Burnett, Frances Hodgson | Through One Administration | Boston (1st ed.?) | 1883 | |||||||
Balzac, Honore de | Cousin Bette | Boston | 1888 | |||||||
Balzac, Honore de | Chouans | Cambridge, Ma. | 1892 | |||||||
Lee, William H.F. Lee | Memorial Addresses on the Life and Character of William H.F. Lee | Washington, GPO | 1892 | |||||||
Stanford, Leland | Memorial Addresses on the Life and Character of Leland Stanford | Washington, GPO | 1894 | |||||||
Stark, John | Acceptance of the Statues of John Stark and Daniel Webster presented by the State of New Hampshire | Washington, GPO | 1895 | |||||||
Cushing, Luther S. | Rules of Proceeding and Debate | New York | 1895 | |||||||
Carroll, Lewis | Through the Looking Glass; Altemus' Young People's Library | Philadelphia, Alte | 1897 | |||||||
Stowe, Harriet Beecher | Uncle Tom's Cabin | Philadelphia | 1897 | |||||||
Balzac, Honore de | Eugenie Grandet | Boston | 1899 | |||||||
Horace | His Life, Friendships and Philsophy as Told By Himself, by Clarence Cary | New York | 1904 | gift of Mary Custis Lee, Oct. 26, 1907 | ||||||
Stevenson, Robert Louis | Inland Voyage | Boston | 1907 | |||||||
Heilprin, Angelo | Eruption of Pelee | Philadelphia | 1908 | |||||||
Warren, Samuel | Affecting Scenes; from passages from the diary of a physician | New York | 1931 | |||||||
Chambers, Ephraim | Cyclopedia: or, An Universal Dictionary of Arts and Sciences | London, D. Midwin | 1741-1743 | |||||||
James, Robert | A Medicinal Dictionary, with a history of drugs | London. T. Osborn | 1743-1745 | |||||||
Pococke, Richard | Travels: a description of the East | London, printed for | 1743-1745 | illus. | ||||||
* Annual Register | View of history, politics and literature | London, Dodsley's | 1758-1792 | |||||||
* Burrow's Reports | for the period of George III | 1761-1766 | Col. Chas. Simms (1755-1819), inscrip. | |||||||
Stackhouse, Thomas | New history of the Holy Bible from the beginning of the world to the establishment of Christianity | London, J. Hinton | 1762-1764 | |||||||
Swift, Jonathan | Miscellaneous Works | Dublin | 1765-1775 | |||||||
Holwell, J.Z. | Historical events in Bengal and Hindostan | London | 1766-1777 | illus. | ||||||
* Weekly Miscellany | Or, Instructive Entertainer, containing ... prose and verse, Oct. 1773 to July 1788 | Sherborne | 1773-1782 | |||||||
Bell's Edition Poets of Great Britain | : Chaucer to Churchill--Spine title: Bell's Poets, Volumes 1 to 109; located 83 volumes see "Bell" | Edinburg and Lond | 1778-1788 | |||||||
* Annual Register (New series) | General repository of history, politics and literature | London, Robinson | 1781-1814 | |||||||
* Lounger | a periodical paper | Edinburgh, printed | 1785-1787 | Folio size ed., inscribed | ||||||
* American Museum | Or, repository of ... fugitive pieces | Philadelphia, Care | 1787-1799 | |||||||
* Literary Magazine and British Review | v. 1-12;1788-1794 | London, printed for | 1788-1794 | |||||||
Belsham, William | Essays, philosophical, historical, and literary | London, printed for | 1789-1791 | |||||||
* American Philosophical Society | Transactions | Philadelphia, print | 1789-1818 | |||||||
Bruce, James | Travels to discover the source of the Nile in Egypt, Arabia, Abyssinia, and Nubia | Dublin, printed by | 1790-1791 | maps, plates ill. natural history | ||||||
* Monthly Review or Literary Journal | London, printed for R. Griffiths |
1790-1820 | ||||||||
Mariti, Giovanni | Travels through Cyprus, Syria, and Palestine, with a general history of the Levant | London, printed for | 1791-1792. | |||||||
Smart, et al. | World displayed; or, A curious collection of voyages and travels, selected and compiled from the writers of all nations; by Smart, Goldsmith, Johnson | Philadelphia, published by Dobelbower, Kay and Simpson |
1795-1796 | illus. | ||||||
* Monthly Magazine | and British Register, cont. by: New Monthly Magazine from 1822 | London, printed for R. Phillips |
1796-1805 | |||||||
* Lady's Monthly Museum | 1799-1802 | |||||||||
Public characters | London, printed for | 1799-1809 | ||||||||
Strype, John | Annals of the Reformation and Establishment of Religion in the Church of England ... serving to enlighten those Two Great Crises of Queen Elizabeth's Reign ...Divers other Political Affairs of Note | London | 17nn | |||||||
Ovid | Art of Love, trans. by Mr. Dryden | 17nn | ||||||||
Young, Edward | Complaint: or Night Thoughts on Life Death and Immortality, carefully corrected | Glasgow | 17nn | |||||||
Miller, Philip | Gardener's Dictionary | London | 17nn | rare | ||||||
Vigeri, Francisci | Greek idiom, illustrated by Henricus Hoogeveen | 17nn | inscribed: David Stuart | |||||||
Crevecoeur, Michel Guillaume St. Jean de, called Saint John de Crevecoeur | Lettres d'un Cultivateur Americain, par M. St. John | 17nn | map | |||||||
Watson, Robert | Memoirs of Philip de Comines, second ed. | London | 17nn | |||||||
Wycherley | Plain Dealer, a comedy, written by Mr. Wycherley; and other works | London | 17nn | |||||||
Porcupine's works | Volume I | Philadelphia | 17nn | |||||||
Shakespeare, William | Works | London | 17nn | |||||||
Observations on a variety of subjects | 17nn | |||||||||
Vocabulary of Sea Terms and Phrases. French and English | 17nn | illus. | ||||||||
* American Review & Literary Journal | New York | 1801-1802 | ||||||||
Pratt, Samuel Jackson | Gleanings in England | 1801-1803 | ||||||||
* Asiatic Researches | Transactions of the Society Instituted in Bengal | London, from the Calcutta ed. |
1801-1803 | maps, col. | ||||||
Mavor, William | Historical account of Most Celebrated Voyages, Travels and more from time of Columbus to the present year | Philadelphia, publi | 1802-1803 | plates | ||||||
* Edinburgh Review | Or, Critical Journal | Edinburgh; New Y | 1802-1856 | |||||||
* New American Clerk's Magazine | Alexandria, Va. | 1803 1814 | ||||||||
* Repertory of Arts, Manufactures, and Agriculture | Second series | London | 1803-1804 | |||||||
* Portfolio | 1803, 1804, 1805 | Philadelphia | 1803-1805 | |||||||
* Literary Magazine and American Review | Philadelphia | 1803-1807 | ||||||||
Marshall, John | Life of George Washington | Philadelphia | 1804-1807 | |||||||
Longworth's British stage | Volumes 1 to 41; located 15 volumes | London, D. Longw | 1804-1813 | |||||||
Plowden, Francis | Historical review of the state of Ireland from the invasion of that country under Henry II to its union with Great Britain on the first of January 1801 | Philadelphia, print | 1805-1806 | |||||||
Rollin, Charles | Ancient history of the Egyptians, Carthaginians, Assyrians, Babylonians, Medes and Persians, Macedonians and Grecians, twelfth ed. | Boston,published & sold by Hastings, Etheridge & Bliss; printed by S. Etheridge, Charlestown, Mass. |
1806-1809 | |||||||
Belsham, William | History of Great Britain, from the Revolution, 1688, to the Treaty of Amiens, 1802, in 12 vols. | London | 1806-1812 | |||||||
Burke, Edmund | The works ... 1st American from the last London ed. | Boston, published | 1806-1813 | |||||||
* Literary Panorama | London | 1807-1814 | ||||||||
* History of panorama and national register | : a review of books, register of events, a magazine of varieties | London, printed by | 1807-1819 | |||||||
* Philadelphia Society for Promoting Agriculture | Memoirs | 1808 1818 | ||||||||
* American Register | Or, General repository of history, science and politics | Philadelphia, Conr | 1808-1809 | |||||||
* Select Reviews & Spirit of the Foreign Magazines | Philadelphia | 1809-1812 | ||||||||
Franklin, Benjamin | Works of Dr. Benjamin Franklin, ... diplomatic correspondence, ... private epistolary correspondence, pub. by his grandson, Wm. Temple Franklin | Philadelphia | 1809-1817 | |||||||
* Portfolio | a Monthly Miscellany | Philadelphia | 1809-1825 | |||||||
* Quarterly Review | London, New York | 1809-1834 | ||||||||
Bisset, Robert | History of the reign of George III to the termination of the late war, new ed. | Baltimore, Edward | 1810-1811 | |||||||
* American Review of History & Politics (Walsh) | Philadelphia | 1811-1812 | ||||||||
* Niles' Weekly Register | Baltimore, Md. | 1811-1820 | ||||||||
Clarke, Adam | Holy Bible, with commentary and notes by Dr. Adam Clarke; spine title: Clarke's Commentary | New York | 1811-1825 | |||||||
Chesterfield, Lord | Letters to his son | New York | 1813 1824 | |||||||
* Quarterly Theological Magazine | , and Religious Repository | Philadelphia | 1813-1814 | |||||||
Clarke, Edward Daniel | Travels in various countries of Europe, Asia and Africa, commencing January 1, 1801, Egypt and the Holy Land | New York, publish | 1813-1815 | |||||||
* Emporium of the Arts and Sciences, New Series | Philadelphia | 1813-1815 | ||||||||
* Analectic Magazine | Comprising original reviews, biography, analytical abstracts of new publications, translations from French journals, and selections from the most esteemed British reviews | Philadelphia, M. T | 1813-1820 | |||||||
* State Papers and Publick Documents of the U.S. | Boston | 1814 1817 | ||||||||
* London Quarterly Review | American ed. | New York | 1814-1855 | |||||||
* Portico | a Repository of Science & Literature | Baltimore, Md. | 1816-1817 | |||||||
* Journal of Science and the Arts | Royal Institution of Great Britain | New York | 1817-1818 | |||||||
* Spirit of the English Magazines | Boston | 1817-1819 | ||||||||
* American Journal of Science and Arts | edited by Benjamin Silliman | New Haven | 1818-1820 | plate, botanical, col. | ||||||
* Athenaeum | ; or, Spirit of the English Magazines | Boston | 1818-1823 | |||||||
* Blackwood's Edinburgh Magazine | 1819-1842 | |||||||||
Botta, Charles | History of the War of Independence of the United States of America, trans. from the Italian by George Alexander Otis | Philadelphia | 1820-1821 | |||||||
Signers to the Declaration of Independence | Philadelphia | 1820-1828 | ||||||||
Idle Man | New York | 1821-1822 | ||||||||
* Museum | Of Foreign Literature & Science (and Art (1936)) | Philadelphia and N | 1822-1841 | |||||||
* Westminster Review | London | 1824-1828 | ||||||||
* American Annual Register | New York and Bos | 1825-1831 | ||||||||
Scott, Sir Walter | Life of Napoleon Buonaparte, in three volumes | New York, Philadelphia |
1827-1828 | |||||||
* Franklin Journal | of the Franklin Institute | Philadelphia | 1827-1830 | |||||||
* African Repository | 1827-1830 | |||||||||
* American Quarterly Review | paper boards-inside front cover: Alexandria Library Company book plates | Philadelphia | 1827-1834 | |||||||
* American Quarterly Review | leather boards-inside front cover: Eastland Library Co. | Philadelphia | 1827-1835 | |||||||
Sparks, Jared, ed. | Diplomatic Correspondence of the American Revolution | Boston | 1829-1830 | |||||||
Sparks, Jared, ed. | Diplomatic Correspondence of the United States, ... from 1783 ...1789 | Washington | 1833-1834 | |||||||
* Albion | 1833-1839 | |||||||||
* Southern Literary Messenger | Richmond | 1835-1843 | ||||||||
Sparks, Jared, ed. | Library of American Biography | Boston and New York |
1835-1854 | |||||||
* Knickerbocker Magazine | 1840-1841 | |||||||||
* Metropolitan Magazine | American ed. | New York | 1840-1842 | |||||||
* Literary World | a Gazette | New York | 1847 1849 | |||||||
Tucker, George | History of the United States, in four volumes | Philadelphia | 1856-1857 | |||||||
* Cosmopolitan Art Journal | 1857-1860 | |||||||||
* Maryland Farmer and Mechanic | July 1, 1865–July 1, 1866 | Baltimore | 1865-1866 | |||||||
* Congressional Globe | Debates and Proceedings of ... Congress | Washington | 1866-1869 | |||||||
* Aldine | 1874-1875 | |||||||||
* Saint Nicholas Magazine | St. Nicholas: an Illustrated Magazine for Young Folks, Mary Mapes Dodge | New York, The Ce | 1893-1894 | |||||||
Library of Historic Characters and Famous Events | Boston | 1898-1899 | ||||||||
Idumea | : with a survey of Arabia and the Arabians | Philadelphia, Ame | 18nn | |||||||
Tarkington, Booth | Cherry | 18nn | ||||||||
Sinclair | Code of Agriculture | 18nn | ||||||||
Baxter, Richard, Rev. | Dying thoughts of the Rev. Richard Baxter, abridged | New York, Americ | 18nn | |||||||
Keith, A., Rev. | Evidence of Prophecy | New York, Americ | 18nn | |||||||
Hume, David and Smollett, Tobias | History of England | 18nn | ||||||||
Watts, Isaac | Improvement of the mind | 18nn | ||||||||
Alexander, W. Lindsay, Rev. | Iona | Philadelphia, Ame | 18nn | |||||||
Thompson, Mrs. A.T. | Life of Sir Walter Raleigh | 18nn | ||||||||
Opie, Mrs. | Madeline | 18nn | ||||||||
Webb, Mrs. J.B. | Naomi: or, the last days of Jerusalem, seventeenth ed. | London, Virtue Bros. & Co. Amen Corner |
18nn | |||||||
Tales from "Blackwood" | New Series | Edinburgh, Wm. Blackwood and Sons |
18nn | |||||||
Cicero | Orations of Cicero, fourth ed. | 18nn | ||||||||
Somerville, Mrs. | Personal recollections of Mrs. Somerville | 18nn | ||||||||
Shakespeare, William | Works of Shakespeare with Notes by Charles Knight | New York | 18nn | |||||||
* Penny Magazine | 18nn | |||||||||
Babylon and the Banks of the Euphrates | Philadelphia, Ame | 18nn | ||||||||
Life and times of Charlemagne | Philadelphia, Ame | 18nn | ||||||||
Life and times of Leo the Tenth | Philadelphia, Ame | 18nn | ||||||||
Life of Alfred the Great | Philadelphia, Ame | 18nn | ||||||||
Life of John Kaspar Lavatar | Philadelphia, Ame | 18nn | ||||||||
Life's Last Hours | Philadelphia, Ame | 18nn | ||||||||
London in Modern Times | Philadelphia, Ame | 18nn | ||||||||
Nineveh and the Tigris | Philadelphia, Ame | 18nn | ||||||||
Reformation | Philadelphia, American Sunday-School Union |
18nn | ||||||||
Tale of Pompeii | 18nn | |||||||||
TOTAL VOLUMES SHELVED: | Note that Bell's Poets, shelved at B, counted under each poet; Longworth's Stage, shelved at L, counted under the series name (all of the plays not listed separately) | |||||||||
Colonial History | (begins at Chapter XI in Vol. II)? | |||||||||
* Analytical Review | 1 vol., May to Aug. 1788 | |||||||||
Political Tracts | 12 volumes | |||||||||
* New York Mercury | 1754 to 1756 | |||||||||
Manners | a novel | |||||||||
Disinterested Nabob | a novel, interspersed with genuine descriptions of India, its manners and customs | London, printed by S. Hazard | ||||||||
Lewis, Matthew Gregory | Abaellino | |||||||||
Scott, Sir Walter | Abbot | |||||||||
Scott, Sir Walter | Abbot | |||||||||
Edgeworth, Maria | Absentee | |||||||||
Gambado, Geoffrey | Academy for Grown Horsemen | |||||||||
Wilson, Robert Thomas | Account of the British Expedition to Egypt | |||||||||
Hue | Account of the last years of the reign and life of Louis 16th | |||||||||
Barrow, John | Account of Travels into the Interior of Southern Africa | |||||||||
Royal Academy of Sciences at Paris | Accounts and Extracts of the Manuscripts in the Library of the late King of France | |||||||||
Virginia, General Assembly | Acts of the General Assembly of Virginia, ... which are now in Force | |||||||||
Addison, Joseph | Addisoniana | |||||||||
Woodward | Address on ... Plan for Maintenance of the Poor of the city of Dublin | |||||||||
Opie, Mrs. | Adeline Mowbray | |||||||||
Johnson, C. | Adventures of a Guinea | |||||||||
Sale, George | Alcoran of Mohammed (The Koran), trans. by George Sale | |||||||||
Jeffrey | Altas of the whole continent of America | |||||||||
Pitt, William | Anecdotes of the life of William Pitt, late Earl of Chatham, with the principal events of his time, and his speeches in Parliament, from 1736 to 1778 | |||||||||
Galt, John | Annals of the Parish | |||||||||
Corp, Harriet | Antidote to the Miseries of Human Life | |||||||||
Scott, Sir Walter | Antiquary | |||||||||
Potter | Antiquities of Greece | |||||||||
Ledwich | Antiquities of Ireland | |||||||||
Buchanan, Claudius | Apology for promoting Christianity in India | |||||||||
Watson | Apology for the Bible | |||||||||
O'Leary | Apology for the Catholics of Ireland | |||||||||
Collins, Wilkie | Armadale | New York | inscrib. Wm. P. McKnight | |||||||
Appert | Art of Preserving animal and vegetable substances | |||||||||
Lemoine, H. | Art of Speaking | |||||||||
Hole, Richard | Arthur, or the Northern Enchantment, a poetical Romance | |||||||||
James, G.P.R. | Atilla | |||||||||
Bowen, Emanuel | Atlas regulated by astronomical observations | |||||||||
Staughton, William | Baptist Mission in India | |||||||||
Haller | Baron Haller's letters to his daughter on the truths of the Christian Religion | |||||||||
Moore, T.G. | Batchelor | |||||||||
Sturm, Christopher | Beauties of Nature delineated; or philosophical and pious contemplations on the works of nature; chiefly selected from Sturm's Reflections | |||||||||
Bennett, Mrs. | Beggar Girl | |||||||||
Marmontel, Jean Francois | Belisaire | |||||||||
Hay | Biography of celebrated ladies | |||||||||
Watson | Bishop of Landaff's apology for Christianity | |||||||||
Darwin, Erasmus | Botanic Garden, a poem | |||||||||
Webster, Noah | Brief History of Epidemic and Pestilential Diseases | |||||||||
Godwin, William | Caleb Williams | |||||||||
Carr, John | Caledonian Sketches | |||||||||
Cumberland, Richard | Calvary, a sacred poem | |||||||||
Burney, Frances | Camilia | |||||||||
Walpole, Horace, Earl of Oxford | Castle of Otranto | |||||||||
Edgeworth, Maria | Castle Rackrent | |||||||||
Baltimore Library | Catalogue | |||||||||
Philadelphia Library | Catalogue | |||||||||
Burney, Frances | Cecilia | |||||||||
Voltaire, Francois Marie Arouet de | Chef's d'oeuvre Dramatiques de Voltaire | |||||||||
Roche, Mrs. Regina Maria (Dalton) | Children of the Abbey | |||||||||
Bibliotheca Americana | Chronological catalogue of the most curious and interesting books that have been published on the subject of America | |||||||||
Newton, Isaac, Sir | Chronology of ancient kingdoms amended | |||||||||
Roche, Mrs. Regina Maria (Dalton) | Clermont | |||||||||
Home, Francis | Clinical Experiments | |||||||||
Beaujour, Felix | Commerce of Greece | |||||||||
Montefiore, Joshua | Commercial Dictionary | |||||||||
Heister | Compendium of Anatomy | |||||||||
Lever, Charles | Con Cregan, the Irish Gil Blas | Philadelphia | ||||||||
Rousseau, Jean Jacques | Confessions | |||||||||
Woodward, Augustus B. | Considerations on the substance of the sun | |||||||||
United States | Constitution and amendments, Declaration of Independence | |||||||||
Stael-Holstein, Anne Louise G. Necker, Baroness de | Corinna | |||||||||
Leadbeater, Mary | Cottage dialogues of the Irish Peasantry | |||||||||
Hamilton, Elizabeth | Cottagers of Glenburnie | |||||||||
Count of Periodical volumes (when xls sorted alpha): | ||||||||||
Scott, Sir Walter | Country Neighbours | |||||||||
Scott, Sir Walter | Critical Essays; with an Account of his Life and Writings by Hoole | |||||||||
My Pocket Book | Cutter? Knight Errant? | |||||||||
Gessner, S. | Death of Abel, trans. from the German of Geffner, to which is added, the Death of Cain | |||||||||
Fessenden, Thomas Green | Democracy Unveiled | |||||||||
Smith, Charlotte | Desmond | |||||||||
Lyttelton, George Lord | Dialogues of the Dead, in imitation of Lucian | |||||||||
Nicholson, Peter | Dictionary of the Science and Practice of Architecture, Building, Carpentry, Etc. | New York | ||||||||
Longinus, Dionysius | Dionysii Longini de Sublimatate Commentarius | |||||||||
Roche, Mrs. Regina Maria (Dalton) | Discarded Sea | |||||||||
Bossuet | Discours fur l'Histoire Universelle | |||||||||
Imlay, Gilbert | Discovery, purchase and settlement of Kentucky, supplement to Imlay's desc. of the Western Terr. | maps | ||||||||
Bulwar, E.L. | Disowned | |||||||||
Spallanzani, Lazzaro | Dissertations relative to the natural history of animals and Vegetables | |||||||||
Tooke, John Horn | Diversions of Purley | |||||||||
Walker, George | Don Raphael | |||||||||
Porter, Jane | Don Sebastian | |||||||||
Cornwall | Dramatic scenes | |||||||||
Knox, Vicesimus | Elegant Extracts in Prose | |||||||||
Knox, Vicesimus | Elegant Extracts in Verse | |||||||||
Hammond | Elements of Algebra | |||||||||
Beattie, James | Elements of Moral Science | |||||||||
Stewart, Dugald | Elements of the Philosophy of the Human Mind | |||||||||
Edgeworth, Maria | Essay on Irish Bulls | |||||||||
Edgeworth. Maria | Essay on Practical Education | |||||||||
Malthus, T. R. | Essay on the Principle of Population | |||||||||
Bowdler, Miss | Essays and Poems | |||||||||
Smith, Adam | Essays on Philosophical Subjects | |||||||||
Grant, Anne MacVickar | Essays on the Superstitions of the Highlanders | |||||||||
Gordon | Estimate of Manners and Principles | |||||||||
Brown | Estimate of the Manners and Principles of the Times | |||||||||
Oddy, J. J. | European Commerce | |||||||||
Watts, Isaac | Evangelical discourses on various subjects | |||||||||
Burney, Frances | Evelina | |||||||||
Depping | Evening Entertainments | |||||||||
Muir, James | Examination of Paine's Age of Reason | |||||||||
Plunket, Mrs. | Exile of Erin | |||||||||
Monthly Military Repository | Extracts from European Military Works of Merit | |||||||||
Gisborne, Thomas | Familiar Survey of the Christian Religion | |||||||||
Hofland, Mrs. | Farewell Tales | New York | ||||||||
Opie, Mrs. | Father and Daughter | |||||||||
D'Israeli, I. | Flim flams; Or the Life and Errors of My Uncle | |||||||||
Belknap, Jeremy | Foresters, an American Tale | |||||||||
Holman, Joseph George | Gazette extraordinary: a comedy, in five acts | New York, published by the Longworths | ||||||||
Spafford | Gazetteer of the State of New York | |||||||||
Washington, George | General Washington's Official Letters to Congress during the revolutionary war with Great Britain | |||||||||
Surr, Thomas Skinner | George Barnwell | |||||||||
Stael-Holstein, Anne Louise G. Necker, Baroness de | Germany | |||||||||
Bogatsky | Golden Treasury, [devotional] | |||||||||
Port-Royal Grammarians | Greek Grammar | |||||||||
Swift, Jonathan | Gulliver's Travels | |||||||||
Edgeworth, Maria | Harrington and Ormond, 3 vols. in 2 | New York | ||||||||
Grant, Anne MacVickar | Highlanders, a poem | |||||||||
Lettsom, John C. | Hints designed to promote beneficence, termperance, and medical science | |||||||||
Winterbotham | Historical, Geographical, Commercial and Philosophical View of the United States, ...with an Atlas | |||||||||
Young, William, Sir | History of Athens | |||||||||
Lawson | History of Carolina | |||||||||
Gifford | History of France, from the commencement a citizen of the United States | |||||||||
Herodotus | History of Herodotus trans. by William Beloe | |||||||||
Warner | History of Ireland, from the earliest times, to the year 1152 | |||||||||
Leland, Thomas, Dr. | History of Ireland, from the invasion of Henry 2d, in 1172, to the capitulation of Limerick, in 1696 | |||||||||
Clavigero | History of Mexico | |||||||||
Roberson | History of North America, books 9th and 10th, containing history of Virginia to the year 1688 and that of New England to the year 1652 | |||||||||
Williamson, Hugh | History of North Carolina | |||||||||
Robertson | History of Scotland during the reigns of Queen Mary and King James 6th, ... review of Scottish history | |||||||||
Ramsay, David | History of South Carolina | |||||||||
Hereford, Charles John Ann | History of Spain, from the establishment of the Colony of Gades, ... to the death of Ferdinand the Sage, 2 v. in 1 | |||||||||
Voltaire, Francois M. | History of the Age of Louis 14th | |||||||||
Warren | History of the American Revolution | |||||||||
Gibbon, Edward | History of the Decline and Fall of the Roman Empire | |||||||||
Barre | History of the French Consulate | |||||||||
Hay | History of the Irish Insurrection in the County of Wexford | |||||||||
Stedman | History of the origin, progress and termination of the American war | |||||||||
Ferguson, Adam | History of the Progress and Termination of the Roman Republic | |||||||||
Warner | History of the Rebellion and civil wars in Ireland, from 1641 to 1660 | |||||||||
Gifford | History of the reign of Louis 16th...with notes ... | |||||||||
Krusinski | History of the revolutions of Persia | |||||||||
Cullen, Miss | Home | |||||||||
Gordon | Homilies of the Church of England, selected and rendered in a modern style | |||||||||
Porter, Jane | Hungarian Brothers | |||||||||
Kingsley, Charles | Hypatia; or, New Foes with an Old Face | New York | ||||||||
Owenson, Sydney | Ida of Athens | |||||||||
Marmontel, Jean Francois | Incas | |||||||||
Ingersoll, Charles Jared | Inchiquin's letters during a late Residence in the United States | |||||||||
Rush, Benjamin | Inquiry into the Diseases of the Mind | |||||||||
Reid | Inquiry into the Human Mind on the Principles of Common Sense | |||||||||
Ryan, Michael | Inquiry into the Nature, Causes & Cure of Consumption of the Lungs | |||||||||
Playfair | Inquiry into the permanent causes of the Decline and fall of powerful and wealthy nations | |||||||||
Cudworth | Intellectual System of the Universe | |||||||||
Faber, George Stanley | Internal state of France in 1810 | |||||||||
Nicholson | Introduction to Natural Philosophy | |||||||||
* New York Magazine | Jan. 1794 to July 1797 | |||||||||
Cumberland, Richard | John de Lancaster | |||||||||
Ellicott, Andrew | Journal in determining the boundary line between the United States and Spanish Terrtory | |||||||||
Saunders | Journal of his shipwreck, travels and sufferings on the coast of Arabia Felix, in 1792 | |||||||||
Clery | Journal of Occurrences in the Tower of the Temple during the confinement of Louis 16th | |||||||||
Gass, Patrick | Journal of the Lewis and Clark expedition | |||||||||
Wafer, Lionel | Journey across the Isthmus of Darien | |||||||||
Jackson | Journey over land, from India to England, in 1797, by an uncommon route between the rivers Euphrates and Tigris, through Curdistan, Diarbekir, Armenia, Asia Minor, Etc. | |||||||||
* Columbian Magazine | July to January 1787 | |||||||||
Irving, Washington | Knickerbocker's History of New York | |||||||||
Porter, Jane | Lake of Killarney | |||||||||
Owenson, Sydney | Law of an Irish Harp | |||||||||
Vattel | Law of Nations | |||||||||
Watterston, George | Lawyer, or, Man as he Ought Not to Be | |||||||||
Edgeworth, Maria | Leonora | |||||||||
Walsh | Letter on the Genius and Disposition of the French Government | |||||||||
Thompson | Letters (the Sailor's) from different places in Europe, Asia, Africa and America | |||||||||
Stael-Holstein, Baroness de, editor | Letters and Reflections of the Austrian Field Marchal Prince de Ligne | |||||||||
Lyttelton, George Lord | Letters of the Late Lord Lyttelton | |||||||||
Balch, Rev. | Letters on Infant Baptism, and also a Sermon on Allmsgiving by Dr. Charters | |||||||||
Bigland, John | Letters on Natural History | |||||||||
Washington, George | Letters on rural affairs to Author Young and Sir John Sinclair | |||||||||
Washington, George | Letters to both Houses of Congress at the Opening of every Session | |||||||||
Cicero Marcus Tullius | Letters to his Friends, with remarks by William Melmoth | |||||||||
Sheffield | Letters to Lord Sheffield on the Commercial Restraints of Ireland | |||||||||
Pike, Zebulon Montgomery | Lieutenant Pike's Expedition thro Louisiana to New Spain | |||||||||
Ledyard, John | Life and travels of John Ledyard | |||||||||
Trenck, Frederick, baron | Life of Baron Frederick Trenck, containing his advertures, cruel and excessive sufferings, during ten years imprisonment by order of Frederick, late king of Prussia | |||||||||
Doddridge | Life of Col. James Gardiner | |||||||||
Murphy, Arthur | Life of David Garrick | |||||||||
Charnock | Life of Lord Nelson | |||||||||
Voltaire | Life of Peter the Great | |||||||||
Burnet, Gilbert | Life of the Earl of Rochester | |||||||||
Coke | Life of the Rev. John Wesley | |||||||||
Cheetham, James | Life of Thomas Paine | |||||||||
Ramsay, David | Life of Washington | |||||||||
Suetonius | Lives, History of Poets, trans. by Thomson | |||||||||
Erskin | Lord Erskin's speeches at the Bar | |||||||||
Sheffield | Lord Sheffield's observations on the Commerce of the American States | |||||||||
Gosse, E. | Lovers of La Vendee | |||||||||
Genlis, Stephanie Felicite du Crest de St. Aubin, Comtesse de, afterwards marquise de Sillery | Mademoiselle La Fayette | |||||||||
MacKenzie, Henry | Man of Feeling | |||||||||
Howard, Miss | Married Life | |||||||||
Thomas, Robert | Medical Advice to the inhabitants of warm climates | |||||||||
Duncan, Andrew | Medical cases selected from the records of the public dispensary at Edinburgh | |||||||||
Currie, James | Medical reports on the effects of water, cold and warm, as a remedy in fevers ... | |||||||||
Hexade | Medical Repository: 2nd | |||||||||
Hexade | Medical Repository: Essays on medical and philosophical subjects, conducted by Dr. Mitchell, Dr. Miller and Dr. Smith, 1st | |||||||||
De L'enclos, Ninon | Memoirs | |||||||||
Foote, Samuel | Memoirs | |||||||||
Dutens, Louis | Memoirs of a traveller in retirement | |||||||||
Grant, Anne MacVickar | Memoirs of an American lady | |||||||||
Montagu, Edward Wortley | Memoirs of E.M.Montague (son of lady Mary W. Montague) with observations on the manners of the Oriental World | |||||||||
Seward, A.C. | Memoirs of F. Darwin | |||||||||
Klopstock, Friedrich Gottlieb | Memoirs of Frederick and Margaret Klopstock | |||||||||
Nelson | Memoirs of Lord Viscount Nelson | |||||||||
Heath | Memoirs of Major-General Heath with Anecdotes of military events during the American war | |||||||||
Mudford, William | Memoirs of prince Eugene of Savoy, trans. by Mudford | |||||||||
Xenophon | Memoirs of Socrates trans. by Mrs. Fielding | |||||||||
Hitchcock, Enos | Memoirs of the Bloomsgrove family | |||||||||
Belsham, William | Memoirs of the kings of Great Britain, of the House of Brunswich Lunenburg | |||||||||
Trotter, John | Memoirs of the last years of Charles James Fox | |||||||||
Hayley, William | Memoirs of the life and correspondence of William Cowper | |||||||||
Kirkman, James Thomas | Memoirs of the life of Charles Macklin | |||||||||
Forbes, William | Memoirs of the life of Dr. James Beattie | |||||||||
Ramsay, David | Memoirs of the Life of Mrs. Martha L. Ramsay | |||||||||
Hardy, Francis | Memoirs of the political and private life of James Caulfield, Earl of Charlemont | |||||||||
Belsham, William | Memoirs of the reign of George 1st and 2d | |||||||||
Mercier | Memoirs of the year 2,500 | |||||||||
Sampson, William | Memoirs of William Sampson | |||||||||
Beattie, James | Minstrel | |||||||||
Committee of Delegates from the Abolition Societies | Minutes of Proceedings - Substance of the Report delivered .. Sierra Leone Company | |||||||||
Macaulay, T. Babington | Miscellaneous Writings | |||||||||
Beresford, James | Miseries of Human Life | |||||||||
Owenson, Sydney | Missionary | |||||||||
Edgeworth, Maria | Modern Griselda | |||||||||
Bissett | Modern Literature | |||||||||
Smith, Charlotte | Montalbert | |||||||||
Marmontel, Jean Francois | Moral Tales | |||||||||
Edgeworth, Maria | Moral Tales for Young People | |||||||||
Moore, John | Mordaunt | |||||||||
Radcliffe, Ann (Ward) | Mysteries of Udolpho | |||||||||
Sauer, Martin | Narrative of Billings Expedition to the North Eastern Parts of Russia in 1794 | |||||||||
Campbell | Narrative of extraordinary adventures, in a Journey over land to India | |||||||||
Byron | Narrative of the loss of the Wager man of war, and of his distresses and sufferings on the Coast of Patagonia | |||||||||
Lawrence, Colonel | Narrative of the War on the Coast of Coromandel...also other Indian narratives | maps, illus. | ||||||||
Delano, Amasa | Narrative of three voyages round the world | illus. | ||||||||
Williams, Samuel | Natural and Civil History of the State of Vermont | |||||||||
Maitland, James (Earl of Lauderdale) | Nature and Origin of Public Wealth | |||||||||
Defoe, Daniel | New Robinson Crusoe; and instructive and entertaining history for children | |||||||||
Roche, Mrs. Regina Maria (Dalton) | Nocturnal Visit | |||||||||
Jefferson, Thomas | Notes on the State of Virginia (new edition) with appendixes | |||||||||
Owenson, Sydney | Novice of St. Dominick | |||||||||
Price, Richard | Observations on the American Revolution | |||||||||
Williamson, Hugh | Observations on the climate in different parts of America | |||||||||
Anderson, Adam | Observations on the Means of creating a Spirit of National Industry in Scotland | |||||||||
Adams, Samuel | Oration delivered ... August 1776; William Pulteney's Thoughts ... Means of Conciliation in 1778; History of the Opposition ... Parliament in 1779 | |||||||||
Fairfax | Oration delivered ...July 1803 at Charleston, Va. by F. Fairfax Esq. and presented by the author | |||||||||
Cicero | Orations of Cicero, trans. by Guthrie | |||||||||
Goguet | Origins of Laws, Arts, and Sciences | |||||||||
Roche, Mrs. Regina Maria (Dalton) | Osma and Almeria | |||||||||
Thornton | Paper Credit of the British Empire | |||||||||
Edgeworth, Maria | Parent Assistant | |||||||||
Owenson, Sydney | Patriotic Sketches of Ireland | |||||||||
Hogan, Edmund | Pennsylvania State Trials | |||||||||
Tales of the Genii | Persian language? | |||||||||
Kingston, W.H.G. | Peter Trawl | New York | ||||||||
Scott, Sir Walter | Peveril of the Peak | |||||||||
Campbell | Philosophical Survey of the South of Ireland, in a series of letters to Dr. Watkinson | |||||||||
Hayley, William | Philsophical, Historical and Moral Essay on Old Maids | |||||||||
Lavater | Physiognomy; or the corresponding analogy between the conformation of the features and the ruling passions of the mind | |||||||||
Mease, James | Picture of Philadelphia | |||||||||
Plutarchus | Plutarch's Lives, trans. by Langhorne | |||||||||
Fessenden, Thomas Green | Poem | |||||||||
Burns, Robert | Poems in the Scottish Dialect | |||||||||
Browne, Thomas | Poems on Several Occasions | |||||||||
Cowper, William | Poetic Works | |||||||||
Goldsmith, Oliver | Poetical and Dramatic Works | |||||||||
Coleman, George, Jr | Poetical Vagaries | |||||||||
Gray | Poetical works | |||||||||
Mallet | Poetical works | |||||||||
Montgomery, James | Poetical works | |||||||||
Moore | Poetical works | |||||||||
Philips, A. | Poetical works | |||||||||
Pope, Alexander | Poetical works | |||||||||
Scott, Sir Walter | Poetical Works | |||||||||
Macneill, Hector | Poetical Works of Hector Macneill | |||||||||
Lover, Samuel | Poetical works of Samuel Lover | London | ||||||||
Moore, Thomas | Poetical works of Thomas Moore | Philadelphia | ||||||||
Humboldt | Political Essay on New Spain | |||||||||
Paine | Political writings | |||||||||
Pratt, Samuel Jackson | Poor: Or Bread | |||||||||
Edgeworth, Maria | Popular Tales | |||||||||
Johnson, Samuel | Preceptor, containing a general sourse of Polite Education | |||||||||
Hale, Matthew | Primitive Origin of Mankind considered | |||||||||
Jenkins | Psyche of Today | |||||||||
Watts, Isaac | Rational Foundations of a Christian Church | |||||||||
Lee, Harriet and Sophia | Recess | |||||||||
Porter, Miss A. M. | Recluse of Norway | |||||||||
Pinkerton, John | Recollections of Paris in 1802, 1803, 1804, 1805 | |||||||||
Steuben, | Regulations for the Order and Discipline of the Troops of the United States | |||||||||
Dumas, Alexandre | Reine Margot | Paris | ||||||||
Smith, James and Horace | Rejected Addressee | |||||||||
Burns, Robert | Reliques of Burns collected by Cromeck | |||||||||
De Mably | Remarks on the Government and Laws of the United States | |||||||||
Butler, Charles | Reminiscences of his own Times | |||||||||
Evans | Report on the Trial of Judge Chase | |||||||||
Virginia, General Assembly | Revised Code | |||||||||
Defoe, Daniel | Robinson Crusoe | |||||||||
D'Israeli, I. | Romances | |||||||||
Lewis, Matthew Gregory | Romantic Tales | |||||||||
Volney | Ruins, or Survey of the Revolutions of Empires | |||||||||
Bloomfield, Robert | Rural Tales | |||||||||
More, Hannah | Sacred Dramas, chiefly intended for young persons | |||||||||
Day, Thomas | Sanford and Merton | |||||||||
Cottin, Sophie | Saracen | |||||||||
Juvenal | Satires of Juvenal, trans. by Dryden | |||||||||
Juvenal | Satires of Juvenal, trans. by Gifford | |||||||||
Macneill, Hector | Scottish Adventurers | |||||||||
Porter, Jane | Scottish Chiefs | |||||||||
Goldsmith, Oliver | Secret History of the Cabinet of Bonaparte | |||||||||
Hassel, Mary | Secret History: the Horrors of St. Domingo | |||||||||
Discoveries of America | Select British Classics, vol. 25 | |||||||||
Varieties of literature | selected from literary journals | London | ||||||||
L'Estrange, Roger | Seneca's morals | |||||||||
Corp, Harriet | Sequel to the Antidote to the Miseries of Human Life | |||||||||
Arator | Series of Agricultural Essays, by a citizen of Virginia | |||||||||
Davies, Samuel | Sermons | |||||||||
Hall, Robert | Sermons | |||||||||
Leland, John | Sermons | |||||||||
Opie, Mrs. | Simple Tales | |||||||||
Lever, Charles | Sir Brook Fosbrooke | Boston | ||||||||
Gallatin, Albert | Sketch of the Finances of the United States | |||||||||
Bozman, John Leeds | Sketch of the history of Maryland | |||||||||
Svinine, Paul | Sketch of the life of General Moreau, and the details of his last moments | |||||||||
Dickens, Charles | Sketches | |||||||||
Keate, George | Sketches from Nature | |||||||||
Stoddard, Amos | Sketches, Historical and Descriptive, of Louisiana | |||||||||
Lyster, Annette | Soldier's Son | New York | ||||||||
Gratton | Speeches in Parliament | |||||||||
Knox, Vicesimus | Spirit of Despotism | |||||||||
Ashe, Thomas | Spirit of the Book | |||||||||
Egan, Pierce | Sporting Anecdotes ... by an Amateur Sportsman | |||||||||
Cooper, James Fenimore | Spy | |||||||||
Murray, Judith Sargent | Story of Margaretta | |||||||||
Irving, Washington | Strange Stories, by a nervous gentleman | |||||||||
Carr, John | Stranger in Ireland | |||||||||
Zimmerman | Strictures of National Pride | |||||||||
Sr. Pierre, B. de | Studies of Nature | |||||||||
Anquetil | Summary of Universal history | |||||||||
Plescheef, Sergey | Survey of Russian Empire | |||||||||
Swift, Jonathan | Swiftiana | |||||||||
Knox, Samuel | System of liberal education adapted to the genius and government of the United States | |||||||||
Bell, Benjamin | System of surgery, illustrated with plates | |||||||||
Park | System of the Law of Marine Insurances | |||||||||
Crabbe, George | Tales in Verse | |||||||||
Opie, Mrs. | Temper, or Domestic Scenes | |||||||||
Darwin, Erasmus | Temple of Nature | |||||||||
Fessenden, Thomas Green | Terrible Tractorations | |||||||||
Washington, George | Testimonials of Respect to the memory of George Washington | |||||||||
Porter, Jane | Thaddeus of Warsaw | |||||||||
Guirey, William | The history of the episcopacy ... from its rise to the present day. n.d. | |||||||||
Radcliffe, Ann (Ward) | The Italian | |||||||||
G, Miss | The Packet | |||||||||
Tacitus | The Works, with an essay on his life and genius by Arthur Murphy | |||||||||
De Uztariz | Theory and Practice of Commerce and maritime Affairs, Trans. from the Spanish | |||||||||
Smith | Theory of Agreeable Sensations with a Dissertation on Harmony of Style | |||||||||
Smith, Adam | Theory of Moral Sentiments | |||||||||
Lewis, Alethia | Things by their right names | |||||||||
Satchell, John | Thornton Abbey | |||||||||
Smith, Horace | Tor Hill | |||||||||
Boswell, James | Tour to the Hebrides with Dr. Johnson | |||||||||
Burney, Frances | Traits of Nature | |||||||||
Ashe, Thomas | Travels in America | |||||||||
De Salvo | Travels in Italy | |||||||||
Kendall, Edward A. | Travels in the Eastern States | |||||||||
Oliver | Travels in the Ottoman Empire | |||||||||
Davis, John | Travels in the United States | |||||||||
Schultz | Travels in the United States | |||||||||
Warville, Brissot de | Travels in the United States, in 1788 | |||||||||
Volney | Travels through Egypt and Syria, in the years 1783, 1784 and 1785 | |||||||||
Dupaty | Travels through Italy, in a series of letters in the year 1785 | |||||||||
Bartram, John | Travels through North and South Carolina, Georgia, East and West Florida, and the Indian Country adjacent thereto, with an account ... | |||||||||
Anburey, Thomas | Travels through the interior parts of America | |||||||||
Carver | Travels through the interior parts of North America, ... natural curiosities, ... customs of the Indians | |||||||||
Weld | Travels through the States of North America, and the Provinces of upper and lower Canada, in 1795, 1796 and 1797 | |||||||||
Michaux, Francois | Travels Westward of the Allegany | |||||||||
Colquhoun, Patrick | Treatise on the police of the Metropolis | |||||||||
Lind, James | Treatise on the Scurvy | |||||||||
Jackson, Robert | Treatise on the the Fevers of Jamaica | |||||||||
Russell, Richard | Treatise on the Use of Sea water in Diseases of the Glands | |||||||||
Bowle | Universal Atlas | |||||||||
Voltaire, Francois Marie Arouet de | Universal History of the manners and spirit of nations from the reign of Charlemagne to the Age of Louis 14th | |||||||||
Alldridge, W.J. | Universal Merchant | |||||||||
D'Israeli, I. | Varieties of Literature | |||||||||
Goldsmith, Oliver | Vicar of Wakefield | |||||||||
De La Motte, Comtesse | Vie de Jeanne de St. Remy de Valois | Paris | ||||||||
Moore, John | View of society and manners in a Tour through France, Switzerland, and Germany | |||||||||
Paley, William | View of the Evidences of Christianity | New York | ||||||||
Coxe, Tench | View of the Laws of the United States | |||||||||
Zimmerman | Views ... life of Frederick the Great, King of Prussia | |||||||||
Edgeworth, Maria | Vivian and Emilie | |||||||||
D'Israeli, I. | Vivian Grey [by Lord Beaconsfield] | |||||||||
Plays selected from Celebrated Authors | Vol. 4 The Gamester by Edward Moore | |||||||||
Spirit of the Old Dominion | Vol. 6 | |||||||||
Meare, John | Voyage from China to the N.W. Coast of America | |||||||||
Byron, Commodore | Voyage Round the World ... in his Majesty's Ship the Dolphin, accompanied bv Capt. Mouat in the Tamar Sloop ...18th cent. | |||||||||
Falconer | Voyage to America, with an account of the laws customs and manners of the Indians | |||||||||
Barrington | Voyage to New South Wales, with a description of that country | |||||||||
Cook, James | Voyage to the Pacific Ocean - maps in a scrapbook | |||||||||
Cook, James | Voyages around the World, from 1768 to 1780 ... ; to which are added genuine Narratives of other Voyages of discovery | |||||||||
MacKenzie, Alexander | Voyages from Montreal to the Northern and Pacific Oceans | |||||||||
Holford, Miss | Wallace, or the Fight of Falkirk | |||||||||
Stephen, James | War in Disquise | |||||||||
Owenson, Sydney | Wild Irish Girl | |||||||||
Chatterton | Works | |||||||||
Jenyn, Soame | Works | |||||||||
Paine, R. T. | Works | |||||||||
Montesquieu, M. | Works complete | |||||||||
Epictetus | Works of Epictetus trans. by Mrs. Elizabeth Carter | |||||||||
Ames, Fisher | Works of Fisher Ames | |||||||||
Virgil | Works, trans. by Dryden | |||||||||
Horace | Works, with the Original Text, and Critical Notes, from his best commentators, trans. by Philip Francis | |||||||||
Spellman, Henry, Sir | Xenophon's Expedition of Cyrus, trans., with notes historical and critical | |||||||||
Moore, John | Zeluco | |||||||||
Darwin, Erasmus | Zoonomia: or the laws of organic life | |||||||||
* European Magazine | ||||||||||
* Lady's Magazine | ||||||||||
* Monthly Anthology and Boston Review | ||||||||||
* Register of Arts and Manufactures | ||||||||||
Abelard and Heloise | ||||||||||
Account of the general contents of the British Museum | ||||||||||
Account of the military operations in North America from 1735 to 1756 | ||||||||||
Account of the Spanish settlements in America | ||||||||||
Address to the Officers of the Army | ||||||||||
Alexis | ||||||||||
Anecdotes illustrating the character of Peter the Great | ||||||||||
Anne of Brittany | ||||||||||
Arabian Night's Entertainments | ||||||||||
Arabian Tales | ||||||||||
Beauties of Rousseau, selected by a lady | ||||||||||
Belinda | ||||||||||
Bentley, the Rural Philosopher | ||||||||||
Biography for Boys | ||||||||||
Blodget, Samuel | ||||||||||
British Cicero : a Selection of the most admired Speeches in the English Language | ||||||||||
British Spy | ||||||||||
Campaign against Quebec in 1775 | ||||||||||
Census of the United States for 1801 | ||||||||||
Coelebus in Search of a Wife | ||||||||||
Collection of authentic, useful and entertaining voyages | ||||||||||
Comic Tales | ||||||||||
Contes de Bakhtiar-Nameh Arabic? | ||||||||||
Correspondance between Messrs. Harper and Walsh on the Affairs of Russia | ||||||||||
Cyclopedia: or, a new universal dictionary of arts and sciences | ||||||||||
Debates in Congress on the Judiciary Bill | ||||||||||
Debates on the Federal Constitution in the Virginia Convention | ||||||||||
Descriptive tour through France, Germany, and Holland, in 1791 | ||||||||||
Dominican | ||||||||||
Eccentric female biography | ||||||||||
Eccentric male biography | ||||||||||
Eccentricities of John Edwin | ||||||||||
Echo, a political satire | ||||||||||
Elegant Anecdotes, Original and Selected | ||||||||||
Encyclopaedia, or a Dictionary of Arts, Sciences, and Miscellaneous Literature ... a full account of the various detached parts of knowledge - American Edition, with suppl. | ||||||||||
Epistles of the Apostolic Fathers | ||||||||||
Essay on Political Society | ||||||||||
Essays on the Spirit of Legislation | ||||||||||
Eulogies and Orations on the Character of Washington | ||||||||||
Historical review of the Govt. of Pennsylvania | ||||||||||
History of Ayder Ali Khan | ||||||||||
History of the war between Great Britain and France from 1755 to 1763 | ||||||||||
History of Virginia, containing an account of its first settlement to the year 1706 | ||||||||||
Hymns of Orpheus, trans. from the original Greek | ||||||||||
I Says, Says I | ||||||||||
Itinerant | ||||||||||
Journal of Congress; containing their Proceedings from 5th September, 1774 | ||||||||||
Julia de Roubigne | ||||||||||
Letters addressed to Voltaire by certain Jews in Defense of the Old Testament | ||||||||||
Letters from England, Ireland, and France | ||||||||||
Lewis and Clarke's expedition up the Missouri and down the Columbia River to the Pacific Ocean | ||||||||||
Life of Marianne | ||||||||||
Life of Napoleon Bonaparte | ||||||||||
List of the officers in the British Army, for 1774 | ||||||||||
Magdalen | ||||||||||
Medical Observations and Inquiries; by a society of physicians in London | ||||||||||
Memoirs of a life spent Chiefly in Pennsylvania | ||||||||||
Memoirs of Distinguished Women | ||||||||||
Memoirs of Pope Pius 6th | ||||||||||
Military Mentor : being a series of letters recently written by a general officer to his son | ||||||||||
Miscellaneous Tracts - Carey, Helmuth | ||||||||||
Miscellaneous Tracts - Fitzpatrick, James, Browning | ||||||||||
Novels | Unk | |||||||||
Oakendale Abbey | ||||||||||
Old English Baron | ||||||||||
Original Anecdotes of Frederick the Great | ||||||||||
Paired, Not Matched | ||||||||||
Paris as it was and as it is (in 1805) | ||||||||||
Path to Christian Perfection | ||||||||||
Patience and Perseverence | ||||||||||
Philadelphia Directory for 1793 | ||||||||||
Picture of Liverpool with a map of the town | ||||||||||
Preventive Policy | ||||||||||
Remarks on various topics | ||||||||||
Romance of the Pyrenees | ||||||||||
Rosa, or American Genius | ||||||||||
Rose and Emily | ||||||||||
Santo Sebastian the young Protector | ||||||||||
Says She to her neighbors, What? | ||||||||||
Self Control | ||||||||||
Self Indulgence | ||||||||||
Septuagint Bible | ||||||||||
Shipmaster's Assistant and Owner's Manual | ||||||||||
Siamese Tales | ||||||||||
Some account of Louisiana taken from documents in the public offices | ||||||||||
Spirit of the castle | ||||||||||
State of Great Britain and the American colonies in the year 1767 with regards to agriculture, population, trade and manufactures, ... | ||||||||||
Tales of Real Life | ||||||||||
Thinks I to Myself | ||||||||||
Tour through Zealand in 1802 | ||||||||||
Trial of Aaron Burr for Treason Against the United States | ||||||||||
Trial of M. Margarot and Thomas Muit, before the High Court of Justiciary at Edinburgh for Sedition | ||||||||||
Twenty Essays on Literary and Philosophical Subjects | ||||||||||
Twin Sisters | ||||||||||
Visit for a Week | ||||||||||
Welsh Mountaineer | ||||||||||
Women; or, Pour et Contre | ||||||||||
Wonders of Nature and Art in all countries of the world | ||||||||||